Going without binos to bow hunt?

HOw do those Swaro CL's compare to the ZEISS in term of clarity and depth of field? Recently got some used ZEISS and lovin em. In the past considered something like the CL's for when in the thick stuff to save weight.
I never liked full size binoculars with a harness in the deer woods either. I picked up a set of Maven 8x30 B3’s with a rick young harness and now I never go to the woods without them.
Kowa 6.5x32's with a RYO harness is as minimal as it gets, and perfect for whitetail archery IMO. Which, I usually just default to my SLC 8x42's in a small OV harness.
Kowa 6.5x32's with a RYO harness is as minimal as it gets, and perfect for whitetail archery IMO. Which, I usually just default to my SLC 8x42's in a small OV harness.
Those look really nice, and a much better price than the pocket Zeiss (8x25) that I've been drooling over...
I’m mainly a bowhunter and bowhunt the Midwest 90% of the time. With that said, I will not hunt without my bino’s.
Sure, I can and have been successful without them, years ago, but I’ve since learned my lesson. The #1 reason for me is I want to be able to identify every animal I see. If I catch movement in the timber and know it’s a deer but I can’t tell if it’s a buck, doe, little buck, etc... that doesn’t do me much good. But if I see a deer slipping through the edge of a thicket and my bino’s allow me to identify that it’s a target buck or shooter buck, then I just learned something that can put me more in the game on my next hunt. That’s my personal reason. Take it for what you paid for it.... lol.
I don’t leave my truck without my bino’s regardless if I’m deer hunting, turkey hunting, duck hunting, scouting, shed hunting, etc... Bino’s are as close as I will ever be to being a super hero.