if she can dream up every danger in the world then all the SPOT will do is make her anxious when it doesn't come when she expected it.
I'd agree with this. I usually take some form of comm device when solo for a longer trip, but I do not set a high bar for checking in- certainly not every day. Once you set that expectation, it is hard to go back. I only check in every 4-5 days and/or if something goes wrong (usually pick one day in middle of trip to call for check in). On trips shorter than that, don't expect to hear from me until I am home. If I am late by a 36 hrs or so, send the cavalry.
Things can happen with phones/batteries and even if I do get injured, puncture a boat, etc etc, there is a reasonable chance I can work through it and get home - it might just take some time.
And if a bear gets me, it gets me. You roll the dice and you take your chances, just like stepping in a car or on a plane.