GoHunt getting into mapping


Jan 12, 2017
Anyone start playing with the GoHunt beta mapping? If they can do it well could be a great combo package they would have.
Been on it for the last hour. It is fantastic for a beta. Essentially they crossed OnX with Google Earth. I personally am a huge fan and if they continue to improve upon it a little I could see myself only using it exclusively going into the future.

I will give it a look once the phone app is available and functioning well, but it is good for hunters. Hopefully this pushes others like ONX to up their game because they will get left behind if the phone app works well.
I will give it a look once the phone app is available and functioning well, but it is good for hunters. Hopefully this pushes others like ONX to up their game because they will get left behind if the phone app works well.

For real though. Not to derail....but how onX still doesn’t have the tilt function is beyond me....and gohunt breaks it out in beta.

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Depends on the details. GoHunt is still $150 / year as compared to something like Gaia for $40, BaseMap for $30, and TopRut for $20.

Then you can still add Caltopo data sources to Google Earth directly for $50 / year.

Hell, buy them all and you're still cheaper.
Depends on the details. GoHunt is still $150 / year as compared to something like Gaia for $40, BaseMap for $30, and TopRut for $20.

Then you can still add Caltopo data sources to Google Earth directly for $50 / year.

Hell, buy them all and you're still cheaper.
Your right, unless you already have GoHunt then that $150 is sunk already and would save you. I’m hoping it will streamline my apps and purchases. We will see
i played around with it today. seems pretty good. it won't yet replace onx for me bc it doesn't include all the states, but I have to think onx is concerned.

I'm curious to see what all the sponsored guys like Newberg will do...very soon he won't be able to say that onx and gohunt are both the greatest when they're now competitors.
i played around with it today. seems pretty good. it won't yet replace onx for me bc it doesn't include all the states, but I have to think onx is concerned.

I'm curious to see what all the sponsored guys like Newberg will do...very soon he won't be able to say that onx and gohunt are both the greatest when they're now competitors.

He dropped onX as a sponsor and stuck with Gohunt
I like this move by go hunt, I think an integrates platform with their research section adds value on both ends. I just might have to resubscribe.
It seems awesome and from everything I read people seem to like it. But $150/yr is steep. I’ll wait for the app to determine.

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I feel like most people bringing up the pricing for a mapping service aren't including the other aspects of gohunt.

You get research tools for western states, a gear shop where a majority of the items give you money back (albeit you have to buy from their store), in depth articles for every state and a rundown of game population conditions within the state.

Obviously if you are just wanting a map and don't care about the rest it is probably not for you, however if you spend time researching out of state hunts a lot it would probably be pretty valuable for most people.
I find it's really the time issue, with kids, a job, limited time in the mountains, the price is worth it to me to have a one stop research shop. You can look at draw odds easily, look at the map easily and keep track of the regs easily, all in one place.
I feel like most people bringing up the pricing for a mapping service aren't including the other aspects of gohunt.

You get research tools for western states, a gear shop where a majority of the items give you money back (albeit you have to buy from their store), in depth articles for every state and a rundown of game population conditions within the state.

I have found multiple errors in their odds data, as well as many other people. GoHunt stopped making odds a priority(IMHO) about 2 years ago when they launched the store. Speaking of their store, prices are straight up MSRP, the money they "return" to you in points, is significantly less than just shopping elsewhere. There's a reason they do it, and it's not to benefit you.
I have found multiple errors in their odds data, as well as many other people. GoHunt stopped making odds a priority(IMHO) about 2 years ago when they launched the store. Speaking of their store, prices are straight up MSRP, the money they "return" to you in points, is significantly less than just shopping elsewhere. There's a reason they do it, and it's not to benefit you.

I am not going to disagree with the store, it obviously benefits them. With the points though you basically get 10% back from most purchases to use on further purchases. On items I can't find discounts on elsewhere it isn't a bad deal at all, at least I get something back. Essentially I am trying to say it can benefit a member as well.

Odds data is extremely subjective, units gain and lose popularity a lot within a year or two. I am not surprised it changes, kinda how it works with point creep and other factors.
I have found multiple errors in their odds data, as well as many other people. GoHunt stopped making odds a priority(IMHO) about 2 years ago when they launched the store. Speaking of their store, prices are straight up MSRP, the money they "return" to you in points, is significantly less than just shopping elsewhere. There's a reason they do it, and it's not to benefit you.

I am not sure I agree with the store focus as I think they still “focus” on draw odds. That said, I do wish they would dedicate a bit more man hours into editing and proof reading data. Some of it does come across as fairly cut and paste at times. You do also see a lot of corrections come up in the comments. They are always responsive which is nice, but I am more than happy to spend the 150 a year on accurate (as close as possible knowing it’s just statistical data) draw odds info.

Silly but the feature I want more than anything is to have some sort of personalized profile that I can use to track all my points, licenses etc. I always have to go back and confirm how many points I have and remember if I have applied or purchased my licenses yet. That would be much more value added in my opinion vs maps.

Somewhat surprised they would not have targeted one of the other map company’s as a acquisition vs a build out on the current base. I assume a 3rd party must have reached out to them.

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I tried it out and I liked it a lot. It seems to have some nice feature upgrades over onX. OnX is better to look at, but I’m sure goHUNT will get there with time.

As for price I don’t get why people are calling goHUNT way more expensive than onX? If you hunt multiple western states it will cost you $99 for onX with all the states. $150 with all the additional features goHUNT offers is well worth the price.

If you don’t hunt multiple western states it probably won’t be worth the extra money for goHUNT, but if you do I think it will be worth dropping onX as long as the app is good.