Getting out of California

I don’t condone guys picking on a 18 year old girl, but as a native for a few generations from Co I feel the anger rise up in me sometimes. Coasties ruined this state. Housing prices are so out of control some of my friends will never own homes in their home town now and it’s in large part from people that decided Instagram pics of hikes and camp fires look cool and came on in, and boy did they come… 1# in auto thefts, our liberal DA’s won’t prosecute anyone anymore and we are chock full of fentanyl ODs and methhead theives. Yes Co had some problems 30 years ago, but it’s gotten bad. They are building on every square inch, the mountains are crowded, traffic is awful, I get why people who saw their small towns transformed in their lifetimes get kind of uncomfortable and unfriendly when outsiders show up. My boss at work is native (Sioux) we were musing how we finally get it, this is why native Americans were so resentful of the Europeans settling their territory. Change and progress is often not for the better
Well, this all went South pretty quick!
To the OP: You can glean a lot of info about schools, taxes, demographics and housing prices by googling the specific communities on the net. I am sure you already know that. Try finding a few communities that interest you and then maybe ask around on non-hunting sites.
My buddy and I joke as he is retired LEO and we both ended up building our homes in the same valley about two hears ago. We HATE non-residents, lol! We always say to each other: "Man, they hated us when we were vacationing here"! Funny, but mostly true. When you love something, you protect it with all your being. There have been nine houses built in our quiet, quaint little valley in the past 18 months. We gained over 1000 new residents in our sleepy mountain community in the past year. Everybody has the same right to chase the dreams that we had, but nobody likes to see their small mountain towns becoming the next Reno or Bozeman... and it is happening to ALL of them. Sad.
Too many people on this spinning ball, but few want to step up to contribute to make it less populated.😁
I bet I could drop on a pin on where you are in WY. Lots of LEO and retired military in that valley.
Please provide a more accurate description for the perpetrators then. I think I used appropriate descriptors based on what she told me.
So you sent her to school in a town of "dipshit loser hillbillies?" Now you're mad about it? You stooped to the level that people associate Californians with. You just reinforced that feeling. Not everyone in MT or ID or WY feels like those three, but you just lumped everyone in Bozeman into that category. At least they don't encourage people to shit on the sidewalks in Bozeman. More than we can say about SF.
Well, I am a little late to the party and the thread has moved away from recommendations pretty hard, but I will add mine.

I had the opportunity to spend some time in Thompson Falls when my company was looking at acquiring a little company that is based there. It is very beautiful there and the people are fantastic. Based on the families that I met and the children in those families, I could tell that the education they are getting is good.
My wife and I are currently looking at property in that area to purchase for a vacation/hunting home and possible retirement home.
Please provide a more accurate description for the perpetrators then. I think I used appropriate descriptors based on what she told me.
You don't know any hillbillies if you think that we'd waste our time berating a young lady for her place of origin. A real hillbilly would help her change a flat tire on the side of the highway when its 5 AM in January in a foot of snow.
Anyone, ANYONE who would voluntarily live in a sh!thole like this either needs mental help or needs to rethink his priorities as a father, mother, caregiver. Unbelievable. Welcome to 2022.
I grew up there!

12. Do you drive 25mph down the interstate with your flashers on during decent winter roads?

Couldn’t believe all the out of staters driving like idiots last winter. Watching Yellowstone must not have provided a good winter driving scene. Welcome to MT and real winter folks! was crazy
So, where are you thinking. My wife and I are moving from ca to southern Idaho in march. 23
So, where are you thinking. My wife and I are moving from ca to southern Idaho in march. 23
My job wants me to transfer to somewhere in southern idaho within the next 6 months. My wife, kids and I are going to look at some places at the end of October. Somewhere between Boise and Twin Falls.
I work with a couple Retina specialist in Durango. Maybe it was a while ago? In general I'm glad w have a robust helicopter/flight health service in SW CO, high acuity health care def requires at least a 4 hr trip by car.
Do they do surgeries there or just see consults? Lots of vr specialists have outlying clinics but only do surgery at home base. Little hospitals choke at the cost of vitrectomy machines and specialized operating microscopes let alone having trained OR staff. Standard of care is to see your post ops 24 hrs after surgery which makes itinerant retina surgery difficult.
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Do they do surgeries there or just see consults? Lots of vr specialists have outlying clinics but only do surgery at home base. Little hospitals choke at the cost of vitrectomy machines and specialized operating microscopes let alone having trained OR staff. Standard of care is to see your post ops 24 hrs after surgery which makes itinerant retina surgery difficult.
Surgery in Durango, Animas Surgical Hospital, they have clinics all around the 4 corners. My current hospital the microscope was made in West Germany.
I'm just over here trying to think of the best descriptor for a man who teaches his daughter that CA is the only place with bad people and that once she gets to MT it's all rainbows and gumdrops.
I don't know how you could know that. The only thing you can accuse this man and his daughter of is being a little naive thinking a very Conservative state wouldn't have bigots judge and bully his daughter, because of her license plate. I've been guilty of being almost euphoric after getting out of California on a long trip and letting my guard down, because I thought a Conservative, hunting town didn't have any bad bigoted people, who hate, purely based on your license plate.
I don’t condone guys picking on a 18 year old girl, but as a native for a few generations from Co I feel the anger rise up in me sometimes. Coasties ruined this state.
There shouldn't be any buts, when it comes to 30 year old white trash bullying an innocent 18 year old girl PERIOD. I grew up in a tiny town 20 miles from Disneyland in the 60s and 70s. There were only 4 houses where I lived and open fields everywhere and horses. In the 70s huge orange groves where getting knocked down for new developments and the developers would give away the oranges. I was about 11 or 12 and I hated the development and losing the fields to ride my bicycle over rattlesnakes. I remember vandalizing a bunch of survey stakes and ribbons and proudly tell my developer dad. He didn't spank me, but he taught me a lesson. He told me the Gang Plank Theory. He said we all got here from somewhere else. I was born in California, but him and my mom were from Minnesota. He said after people arrive and/or their children think, "that's enough people now, no more!!" People still do that in San Diego! "Why I moved here from LA four years ago, where are all these people coming from it MUST STOP NOW!!" or "it's all the greedy developers fault there are so many people that moved here after I did 8 years ago!!" I'm American first and foremost and for about 10 generations. Some of my relatives were very famous and helped change America for the better. I'm a first generation Californian, which I'm much, much, much less proud of compared to being an American. California was the greatest state and place to be in America after the war, being a boomer!! Now, it's awful, mostly because of the New Yorkers like they tried to do to Texas. Nationalism is a GOOD thing!! If you REALLY don't like your Red States and towns getting flooded by big blue city trash, do something about legal and especially illegal immigration. IT'S REALLY THAT SIMPLE!!
I’ve officially had it with California. My wife and I miraculously came to the same conclusion when I got home from work one day that we need to come up with a plan. We have two kids currently. 2 and newborn, with most likely another one making an appearance at some point. This is no place to raise a family, and I am concerned about there upbringing over the next 10-15 years.

I have hunted Montana several times, both western and eastern side and have fell in love with more with each visit. I know work can be scarce and my company is willing to work with me on re location, which I am super grateful and blessed for.

Most likely, it will have to western Montana for settling on because it is closer to the majority of Agriculture in Idaho and Great Falls that my company is centered around. So the question is, where are some places we should strongly consider for purchasing a small amount of land and either building or having a successful time finding a nice residence with a family focused environment? Leaning on you folks to help dial us in.

Thanks in advance!
I’m a little jealous. We live in Northern California and I can’t wait to get out of here
There shouldn't be any buts, when it comes to 30 year old white trash bullying an innocent 18 year old girl PERIOD. I grew up in a tiny town 20 miles from Disneyland in the 60s and 70s. There were only 4 houses where I lived and open fields everywhere and horses. In the 70s huge orange groves where getting knocked down for new developments and the developers would give away the oranges. I was about 11 or 12 and I hated the development and losing the fields to ride my bicycle over rattlesnakes. I remember vandalizing a bunch of survey stakes and ribbons and proudly tell my developer dad. He didn't spank me, but he taught me a lesson. He told me the Gang Plank Theory. He said we all got here from somewhere else. I was born in California, but him and my mom were from Minnesota. He said after people arrive and/or their children think, "that's enough people now, no more!!" People still do that in San Diego! "Why I moved here from LA four years ago, where are all these people coming from it MUST STOP NOW!!" or "it's all the greedy developers fault there are so many people that moved here after I did 8 years ago!!" I'm American first and foremost and for about 10 generations. Some of my relatives were very famous and helped change America for the better. I'm a first generation Californian, which I'm much, much, much less proud of compared to being an American. California was the greatest state and place to be in America after the war, being a boomer!! Now, it's awful, mostly because of the New Yorkers like they tried to do to Texas. Nationalism is a GOOD thing!! If you REALLY don't like your Red States and towns getting flooded by big blue city trash, do something about legal and especially illegal immigration. IT'S REALLY THAT SIMPLE!!
I agree it sucks to see all that change and change is not always for the better. I wish we did have more national pride, but half the county seems to be self loathing globalists and think it’s racist to have national pride. I’m about as proud to be American as anything but outside of the civil war period I’m not sure that we have ever been more divided as a nation. It’s hard to accept new people into your community when they want to fundamentally change it. Not to mention they completely F up the real estate and housing market and yes developers and greedy politicians are to blame for a lot of it. Ps water is limited in the west, we are going to see first hand how all this development works out in the next 20 or so years