Gawd I hate Valentines Day

After two marriages spanning 36 years now, I've come to realize, getting Valentines right is well worth it.

Like said above, regardless of what she says, she will appreciate your efforts.
Valentine's Day is what you make of it. If it sucks then you lack creativity. I love it. Any excuse for romance is a good one. A piece of advice for you single guys...the girls that are single in bars today are fish in a barrel. Hand em some cheap flowers and just start talking. If you're married, have a car arrive to pick your wife up...have the driver tell her she'll wanna dress up. He must refuse to tell her where he is taking her but there are flowers, champagne and a hand written note from you waiting for her in the car. Use your imagination for the rest.
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Glad I’m not the only one….

Dating….I get it
You have Young daughter…I get it

I try to show my appreciation to my wife on a daily weekly monthly OK -every once in awhile- basis

I just called her at work and asked, ‘ you know I appreciate you all year right- well 360 days anyway?’….

and she said, ‘thats more than The 330 days a year I appreciate you’

Probably the wrong moment to thank her for the expensive Binoculars that are showing up any day….Timing is everything.

In fact, I think I will just skip that whole discussion, “ Oh these old things….I’ve had those”
I was leaving for work today and the wife said.. "Don't forget what today is?" My response was "Don't worry, I did my AZ applications on Sunday, because I know our youngest son's playoff basketball game is tonight"....Dont think that was the response she was looking for.....
I was leaving for work today and the wife said.. "Don't forget what today is?" My response was "Don't worry, I did my AZ applications on Sunday, because I know our youngest son's playoff basketball game is tonight"....Dont think that was the response she was looking for.....
But, I'll bet she knows the sons playoff game is far more important than some manufactured holiday.
It's the only holiday predicated on a traditional archer going around shooting arrows everywhere. IDK, maybe if cupid were real he would be a WKR.
Good grief, one romantic day a year is too much for the gals who put up with us?
Tough crowd.

We all know the really good wives aren't hung up on it, they won't say it but the truth is that the attention is appreciated.
Valentines doesn't require any real expense; a hand-written poem or note and a couple of Hershey's kisses go a long way to a fun evening.

It's the thought with most women, including mine.
Sure can but, I do that kind of stuff all the time. Would make for a boring relationship to only do it once a year.
Married 26 years this year, and I completely agree. Those little things are important throughout the year.

The simple truth is that most guys don't think as we do, hence the Valentine's Day.
Last year my wife left the Valentines card I gave her at dinner (dined out I think) unopened. It was still unopened & on the kitchen island more than a week later. Didn’t really bother me, but that card got put away & remained unnoticed that it had disappeared ….. so she is getting same card “reissued” at dinner tonight. 😁
I appreciate the Holidays, even if are tempted to celebrate in an over-commercialized manner.

A friend of my rented part of a nice venue for the reception of his oldest daughter's wedding just after New Year's. Open bar, catered meals, etc. Just under 100 guests. He was saying how it cost $15,000 all-in for 5 hours of celebration and while he could afford to spend that amount of money many times over the expense for a few hours seemed silly to him.

I made sure he was looking me in the eyes and said, as old guys, I would gladly pay that amount several times a year to bring together people that almost certainly will include one or two friends or relatives that I will never see again but I just don't know which person that might be as I am making the rounds at the party and shaking hands. His father died two years ago and his favorite brother-in-law dropped dead just before Thanksgiving. His last uncle died four years ago and all of his aunts have passed.

I am an old guy. In my 60s. I have a big wedding anniversary coming up next month. A friend of mine suffered a heart attack last Friday. Does not look good. My father died two years ago. My favorite uncle three years ago. My last living uncle died two years ago. Grandparents are now long gone as are the three great-grandparents who attended my high school graduation. I have one living aunt left. My mother is hanging on. A niece passed. My wife's parents and one of her brothers have passed. My coaches have all passed away. Scout Masters. Shop teachers. My favorite professor from undergrad and my mentor from grad school. My best friend from grade school through end of high school died last autumn.

Circle of life and all. No one gets out alive. Not me. Not you. Not anyone you love. I choose to celebrate when a reason arises. I have even celebrated failures with a bottle of champagne to honor the attempt where I got in the batter's box and took my swing. You can't take it with you.

I am not going to take for granted that I see another Valentine's Day. So, I will happily gather up some roses and chocolates that may turn out to be the last chance I have to "waste" $100 on my wife. Next month on our anniversary, I will give my wife a painting that will hang in the most prominent spot in our living room which is painted by an artist who inspires my spouse yet I just don't "get" that artist and we have two smaller paintings from this artist including one my wife commissioned two years ago during the pandemic. My spouse will be surprised as unboxes the painting since she knows I am not a fan of the artist yet she also knows I am her biggest fan. And, at times that means sacrifice by one or both of us.