Gators and hogs with a bow

I have yet to get a Gator with my bow in FL but did I get this but I didn't have a tag for it so it was catch and release.

Im back home after a week in sunny Florida. The trip was great. The weather was great (never saw a drop of rain)

The trip was a great success. I was able to get an 11 footer. Lots of great meat. I'll have the hide tanned and do a euro mount of the skull and preserve the claws. We spent a lot of time glassing and doing spot and stalks on several gators. They have better eyes and ears than I thought. This potato, corn, bean and watermelon farm has a lot of free range, wild gators roaming the irrigation canals. We wore out a lot of boot leather and sun screen and bottles of water.

We did a stalk on a large gator sunning himself in the pads, I got to within 10 yards directly above him, drew the 55 pound bow and unleashed a 1700 grain arrow which hit a scute (boney bump in rows down his back) and the arrow bounced off. I got zero penetration on that shot. Hitting a scute with a arrow, results in a pissed off gator and lots of splashing and nothing more.

Link to the Video of the hunt below.






Congrats! I bet your adrenalin was pumped up! Thats a great lookin lizard there! I hope you got some sun on your legs while you were here! Lordy Lordy
You shot him on land with an fishing arrow then stood on the bank and pulled him back with the string and finished him?

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Did you watch the video??? I arrowed him, then we snagged him. I arrowed him again and with multiple lines in him I finished him with a bang stick.
Found the link it hides in there with the pictures. Seems like the parts I was curious about were edited out. Looks like an interesting adventure regardless. Congratulations a 11 footer is a very good one

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