Game Warden Job Listing


Mar 19, 2023
Have you ever thought about working as a game warden/ conservation officer? Here's your chance to apply for several positions in Utah. If you have a passion for Wildlife and think you can make a positive difference for Wildlife and the public, then click the link below to apply.

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I went to college for Wildlife management before I bailed because I was already making more money than a starting salary biologist as a 19 year old working in retail.

No different than a lot of other important jobs(cops, teachers), we gotta do something to start paying these people adequately. How can we expect to have the best when we are paying these people the same amount a 17-year-old makes working at Chipotle.

More specifically we want people who hunt and are knowledgeable about hunting in biologist and warden positions. I can tell you, you probably aren't doing a lot of hunting at $23 an hour.
Man - I thought the same thing, But there are also a lot of people even on this forum that would be happy to make that much.

Hopefully the role goes to someone that can help - but also where it would be a good step up in their career.
Yes. I am one of them. I make a little bit more than that. But would gladly take the little cut in wage. Problem is I only have a high school education and no military background. I applied to be a state trooper twice. On the second time a guy that interviewed told me that I would have better if I had a degree, military history or time on a police department or sheriff department.
And none of those interested me so I quit applying. I assuming game warden would be the same way. In KS they advertise as "degree preferred".

Out of curiosity what do you guys that are saying "how do people live off of that" make? When my wife and I had our first kid in 2006 I was grossing $29,000 a yr and we lived fine. Drove fairly new vehicles, no debt, enough money to go on an out of state vacation every summer and buy all of my hunting stuff needed.
Out of curiosity what do you guys that are saying "how do people live off of that" make? When my wife and I had our first kid in 2006 I was grossing $29,000 a yr and we lived fine. Drove fairly new vehicles, no debt, enough money to go on an out of state vacation every summer and buy all of my hunting stuff needed.
2006 is not 2023...

I live in a perfectly average house and my mortgage is more than you made in 2006.
I went to college for Wildlife management before I bailed because I was already making more money than a starting salary biologist as a 19 year old working in retail.

No different than a lot of other important jobs(cops, teachers), we gotta do something to start paying these people adequately. How can we expect to have the best when we are paying these people the same amount a 17-year-old makes working at Chipotle.

More specifically we want people who hunt and are knowledgeable about hunting in biologist and warden positions. I can tell you, you probably aren't doing a lot of hunting at $23 an hour.
I still get plenty of hunting in. Once you're out of the police academy and off your probation period you're at about $27.25/ hour. I get about all the time my wife will let me take to go hunting. Archery is easy, I just work the weekends and can hunt during the week. Muzzleloader same thing, I killed a 170 buck last year and a 350 bull this year on Muzzleloader. Had plenty of time to get it done. Rifle is definitely the busiest, but I can sneak out for a day or two during the week. As for everything else, I can take all the time in the world for waterfowl, trapping, turkey, sheds, fishing etc.

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Yes. I am one of them. I make a little bit more than that. But would gladly take the little cut in wage. Problem is I only have a high school education and no military background. I applied to be a state trooper twice. On the second time a guy that interviewed told me that I would have better if I had a degree, military history or time on a police department or sheriff department.
And none of those interested me so I quit applying. I assuming game warden would be the same way. In KS they advertise as "degree preferred".

Out of curiosity what do you guys that are saying "how do people live off of that" make? When my wife and I had our first kid in 2006 I was grossing $29,000 a yr and we lived fine. Drove fairly new vehicles, no debt, enough money to go on an out of state vacation every summer and buy all of my hunting stuff needed.
From front range of Co… (west side) born and raised. That 23 bucks an hour is what a lot of Wendy’s and Chick-fil-A are paying. I actually have no clue how about anyone makes it here anymore. Average starter home even with these rates is 550-600k. Groceries doubled from 2019 to now, gas is 3.50ish, new truck will set you back 50k. I’m a fireman for a big dept which used to be one of the top paying in the country… not any more, and make 98k, only 2 reasons I can live in my home state (comfortably) is I purchased a starter home for 350k in 2018 & refinancesd to 2.25 % in 2022and my wife is a boss who owns her own company and crushes it. I imagine Utah is pretty bad, Co has top inflation in the nation and we are like top 5 in most expensive places to live. (Thanks a lot you worthless coasties and greedy corps who skyrocketed housing prices)
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Yes. But you cherry picked and left out the part where I said what I make now. And I make less than what you would coming out of the academy. I would say in depends on where you live. $50k a yr would get you by fine in some places and not so in others
You never said what you are making now...just a little bit more than that.

You would have to take a lot of things into account but one thing that I do know...the cost of living is signficantly higher in Utah than it is in Kansas.
$24/hour...damn. How could someone live off that salary?
I work part time for a county agency as a paramedic making $18.00 an hour. Been there over 20 years.
Full time make $20.00 maybe $21.00.
They would love to make $24.00.
I make $33.00 as a nurse and hold a bachelors degree. Reading some of the posts here, Im definitely in the wrong line of work.
You never said what you are making now...just a little bit more than that.

You would have to take a lot of things into account but one thing that I do know...the cost of living is signficantly higher in Utah than it is in Kansas.

Yep, UT and KS costs of living are on opposite ends of the spectrum.
You never said what you are making now...just a little bit more than that.

You would have to take a lot of things into account but one thing that I do know...the cost of living is signficantly higher in Utah than it Kansas
4 cents
I work part time for a county agency as a paramedic making $18.00 an hour. Been there over 20 years.
Full time make $20.00 maybe $21.00.
They would love to make $24.00.
I make $33.00 as a nurse and hold a bachelors degree. Reading some of the posts here, Im definitely in the wrong line of work.
A few years working in the right departments, and that $33 can easily become $40+ working from home or hybrid with semi-flexible working hours (wife is a nurse).