Farmer blow! LOL
Thanks for sharing this hunt. Best of luck and God bless. - M
Thanks for sharing this hunt. Best of luck and God bless. - M
Farmer blow! LOL
Thanks for sharing this hunt. Best of luck and God bless. - M
Good videos Cindy!
Cindy, did you see the muzzeloader live hunt thread in the last few minutes? Robby sent me a text that only said, "Kabooom".
Cindy, did you see the muzzeloader live hunt thread in the last few minutes? Robby sent me a text that only said, "Kabooom".
Thanks for posting the videos. Hope you can get another day or two in after the bucks.
Great videos Cindy!!! It has been so fun to follow this! I have been gone so much lately that I have to play catch-up every time I return. You are so amazing! Keep it up!
Great stuff Robby and Cindy!!! Fun to follow along on the this thread and other live hunts. Wish we could do something like that up there, but wireless technology isn't quite there yet for 95% of Alaska to pull it up very easily. Thanks for sharing the hunts, looks like a great time was had by both of ya.