Fur Friendly 17 Cal Bullets?

I can tell you from personal experience stay away from those Vmax. They shoot very well, but are made to turn prairie dogs into red mist. They will make you cry if you shoot them for fur though.
Appreciate the advice. Of course, it looks like the Berger bullets are out of stock pretty much everywhere.
Not the 20gr Vmax....I shoot a 17 Hornet and they havent been kind on red fox. A good head on chest shot is perfect but even broadside I've had pretty bad splash inside 100yds.

Grey fox seem to have a bit thicker skin but the few I have shot I put pretty big holes in them on the entrance side hit about mid ribs.

I know my buddy his dad and uncle shoot 17 rems and have good luck with the Remington 25gr HP so not sure why something similar wouldnt work I think the handload the Berger 25gr and get the same on fur performance. Only issue I've seen with them is hitting shoulder or leg bone in Red Fox
Not the 20gr Vmax....I shoot a 17 Hornet and they havent been kind on red fox. A good head on chest shot is perfect but even broadside I've had pretty bad splash inside 100yds.

Grey fox seem to have a bit thicker skin but the few I have shot I put pretty big holes in them on the entrance side hit about mid ribs.

I know my buddy his dad and uncle shoot 17 rems and have good luck with the Remington 25gr HP so not sure why something similar wouldnt work I think the handload the Berger 25gr and get the same on fur performance. Only issue I've seen with them is hitting shoulder or leg bone in Red Fox
Thanks! Sounds like I'm gonna need to wait for these Bergers to become available and/or mail a check (gotta find one) to Blackhole Bullets.
25 grain bergers have been great in my 17 hornet at 3200 fps. Not sure how they would act going faster. I usually use a 243 but for around my house I use a 17 Hornet. I have shot 3 coyotes and several raccoons with no hide damage to anything.