Funny Finds

Somebody loose this unifentified artifact down by the river?

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Hey, that's mine! Don't ask me where I left it, because I can't, for the life of me, remember.
I was on a fly-out sheep hunt, in a pretty remote area of the Alaska range, with a buddy of mine about 10 years ago and while looking for fresh water my buddy saw a wallet sticking out of the silt along a glacier creek. In the wallet was a hunting license dated 10 years prior to then, a drivers license, and a $20 bill. When we cleaned the drivers license up, we discovered that the guy who lost it had the exact date of birth (day and year), as my buddy who found it.
We found a shine jug up about 10,500 feet last year on the edge of a little meadow way the crap off of any kind of trail. About 75 -100 yards away was an aspen that had hunting dates carved on it, all from the 1950's.
I've found a rusty old pump shotgun leaning against a tree while doing a property assessment once. Gave it to a coworker who did a bunch of work trying to restore it and almost got it fully functional.
I was archery antelope hunting several years ago and came across a new tire laying in the middle of road. Obviously somebody's spare. I ask several other hunters in area is they had lost a tire and told to spread word that I would leave it at my camp. No takers. Several months later while coyote hunting my truck gets buried in a massive snowdrift. Hours of shoveling out snow from under truck. At rear of truck , I think there is a lot of room under bed and it dawns on me the tire I had found in August was mine all along. I had been without a spare all these months.
I was archery antelope hunting several years ago and came across a new tire laying in the middle of road. Obviously somebody's spare. I ask several other hunters in area is they had lost a tire and told to spread word that I would leave it at my camp. No takers. Several months later while coyote hunting my truck gets buried in a massive snowdrift. Hours of shoveling out snow from under truck. At rear of truck , I think there is a lot of room under bed and it dawns on me the tire I had found in August was mine all along. I had been without a spare all these months.
Funny, no.

The dogs chased a hog right through a huge pot growing operation in the back of that huge ranch with camp netting and the whole bit. The ranch foreman was running it behind the old gals back. They held us at gun point and took our drivers licenses. We promised not to say anything and to never hunt there again ...and they let go with the promise they would come after us if we told anyone.

We reported it to CAMP anonymously....but I never did hear what happened in there.

I bet you needed a new pair of underwear after that
Not really a find but about 10 years ago there was a stand off between police and some people that were cooking meth on our land. This was about 3-400 yards behind our house. We were on vacation at the time and had no idea it happened until we got back a week later. I did find a bottle of ether later that year near my tree stand (at least they were decent enough to leave my stand)
Ran up on big drug drop off/pickup once on my ATV in the middle of nowhere. Long story short, I won the ATV chase/race.
I can still see the look on the guys face when I rounded the corner and he was standing there holding that brick.
I found some sort of shrine in the Eagles Nest Wilderness area of Colorado. It had some candles, trinkets, and a gallon ziploc bag full of letters and such. I didn't really feel right about taking a photo so I just left it alone, but it was in a very remote area that required a lot of effort to get to. Also found a very old can of coors beer, like back from the pull tab beer can days. It was rusted and had a crow feather in it and was sitting at the base of a big pine tree facing a lake.

A buddy of mine found an old rotted saddle bag once in New Mexico. It had an old jacket that was full of holes and a .380 pistol in it. It was pretty well rusted and seized up. He packed it out and placed it in a ziplock bag when he got back to the truck, poured motor oil in the bag and sealed it. When he got home he cleaned it all up and it is now serviceable.
Also found a piece of casted metal once. We took home and cleaned it up and it turns out it's a base form an old survey tool. It has the initials "CS" stamped into it with the date of 1833 as well. It's got some graduation markings on it an a couple of tapped holes. Went back but never found anything else.

Work with a guy that found a handful of bone and antler beads in a cave not far from here. He sent three of the beads off to the University of Tennessee for carbon testing. They were unable to determine how old they were, but could determine (somehow) that the beads went into total darkness (the cave) in 1803 and were exposed to sunlight in 1974, which is the year my friend found them. He gave me one, it's pretty cool to hold and wonder about!
Found a golf ball above tree line in Colorado once.

Found a ipod mini stumbling through a half mile of blow down beetle kill poles. Pretty far back and randomly bending under a log there it was. That was a weird find...because who has an ipod while hunting. And no hiker in their right mind should have been in that spot.

Found an arrow that I had shot and missed a bull 13 years earlier. Odd thing it was 4-500yds away from where I took the shot in the opposite direction. Squirrels? Some other guy find it and use it on a grouse? That was a puzzler for me.
A few interesting finds. In the Black Hills hiking a couple of years ago. I was a long way from any trails or roads heading down a deep canyon. I see some metal so went over to check it out and it was an entire aluminum running board off of a pickup. No idea how it got to where it was. Not fun to carry out of there either.

I found a time capsule from the mid 90's that a high school class had placed in the Black Hills. It was interesting to read through all of the stuff. I didn't know any of them but did recognize some names. Was in a metal can and everything in good shape.

A couple years ago in MT, a long way from camp I found a GPS, nice one too. Picked it up and figured the batteries would likely be dead. It fired right up. I start looking through it and get to thinking, this person has been a lot of the same places I have been, including WY, CO and MT. Like exact places in the back country that I hunt. Got back to camp that night and asked my buddy if he may have lost his GPS. He looked and sure enough I had randomly walked across his GPS laying in the mountains.
Funny finds? Hmm, let me think... Oh, right! My adventures while trying to hunt at night in the rain. Full of misery these memories of mine. Then again I was just starting to venture out into the wonderful world that is hunting. Thankfully a few of my good mates who are actually good at hunting gave me a pair of hunting gloves of theirs to try, to be more precise they were MECHANIX WEAR – ORIGINAL VENT COVERT TACTICAL GLOVES. If you want to see them in action, you can check out a video about these gloves being the future of hunting gear here:
Rather than trying my friends’ gloves I had to find my own that I liked, looking at the comparisons at I could surely say that the mechanix gloves were for me. I tried hunting with my new equipment, but even that is a whole new chapter in a book because I had to learn all the skills for it. In the end, it's worth, more fun now too. If you’ve got any questions then just reply, as I'm happy to talk about this subject.

Welcome to Rokslide......
While deer hunting in Wyoming one year, I found a 300 Win Mag rifle lying in the road. I was driving on a narrow two track in some Wyoming big sage. I had just topped a rise and stopped to glass a gully. I walked to the front of my truck to glass better and there it was, in the center of the road pointing in the direction I was heading. I guessed that another hunter had done the same thing and left his rifle propped up on his bumper and drove off. I tried for two weeks to find the owner but no one ever claimed it.