Frustrated with On X Hunt app....


Jul 21, 2013
Central CA
Maybe I'm just unfamiliar with the app, but I am pretty frustrated right now. I downloaded the app from the Google play store. Tried it out on the free trial and thought it was awesome. So I subscribe with the "Elite" membership and start downloading maps of my hunt area over Wi-Fi. So I go to use it this weekend and the app keeps crashing and won't open? I restart my phone and turn off the Wi-Fi and it seems to be working but can't find my location? I had the "Use offline maps" option on also. Then it asks me to sign in with my password? Keep in mind, I am in the middle of nowhere with spotty to no cell reception.

Somehow, I get the infernal thing to start working by starting a track. Now, I add a way point. OK. I add 5 more way points and then close the app that night. The next morning, more of the same crashing business and I restart my phone yada yada. Finally get it going and 5 of my important way points are no where to be found! Ya, I'm irritated at this point.
Maybe I'm just unfamiliar with the app, but I am pretty frustrated right now. I downloaded the app from the Google play store. Tried it out on the free trial and thought it was awesome. So I subscribe with the "Elite" membership and start downloading maps of my hunt area over Wi-Fi. So I go to use it this weekend and the app keeps crashing and won't open? I restart my phone and turn off the Wi-Fi and it seems to be working but can't find my location? I had the "Use offline maps" option on also. Then it asks me to sign in with my password? Keep in mind, I am in the middle of nowhere with spotty to no cell reception.

Somehow, I get the infernal thing to start working by starting a track. Now, I add a way point. OK. I add 5 more way points and then close the app that night. The next morning, more of the same crashing business and I restart my phone yada yada. Finally get it going and 5 of my important way points are no where to be found! Ya, I'm irritated at this point.

I've been playing with it on my phone and iPad. I'm having troubles as well. At this point I'd use it as a scouting tool on the computer at home only.

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It may be bad timing, as I just read an email from them about their new version coming out in a day or 2. It stated you would have to re-download stuff ECT. I would call and talk with them. Please report back.

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Maybe I'm just unfamiliar with the app, but I am pretty frustrated right now. I downloaded the app from the Google play store. Tried it out on the free trial and thought it was awesome. So I subscribe with the "Elite" membership and start downloading maps of my hunt area over Wi-Fi. So I go to use it this weekend and the app keeps crashing and won't open? I restart my phone and turn off the Wi-Fi and it seems to be working but can't find my location? I had the "Use offline maps" option on also. Then it asks me to sign in with my password? Keep in mind, I am in the middle of nowhere with spotty to no cell reception.

Somehow, I get the infernal thing to start working by starting a track. Now, I add a way point. OK. I add 5 more way points and then close the app that night. The next morning, more of the same crashing business and I restart my phone yada yada. Finally get it going and 5 of my important way points are no where to be found! Ya, I'm irritated at this point.

I have the elite membership and a few different state chips for my gps. I've tried using the offline maps on my phone numerous times and I'm not impressed at all. GAIA GPS has them beat by a long shot. But the gps chips works pretty good for hunting. Only thing is you need an elite membership current to update the chips. Only other thing I like the elite membership for is scouting on my laptop at home
I dont have the Elite membership but instead just Montana. Any crashing Ive had when using offline maps wasnt the app's fault but instead my phone's ability to handle the large data files that the downloaded maps are. In my case, I couldnt have map after map downloaded and run the app. If I changed areas, I deleted the downloaded map before downloading the new area.

Maybe in your case its the app, but my phone was the cause of crashing when I experienced something similar.
I've had the same issues. I've downloaded several offline maps and when I get out to the field they won't load and I get a black screen. I usually use onX combined with google offline terrain maps where I duplicate my way points so Im not totally SOL. I'm hoping the new Hunt App fixes the problems!

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I had an issue with the offline maps. It worked great the past few months I've had it and recently went grey where I know I've downloaded the maps. You could see the little arrows on the grey screen. I got an email back from onx and suggested that I make sure I saved the maps in the same layers as I was currently in. Well, I deleted the app, which killed my saved maps. So after re-installation, I made all the layers I wanted were on and tried again. This worked. Not exactly there same issue as the op, but I thought I'd throw it out there. As other I'm RS have said, I use it as a scouting tool mainly.

When it did show me the grey map, I still could use the phone's gps to get back where I started.

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Yup onx stank for me , i kept Gaia and with the upgrade they just did they have the hunt zone border lines now. Onx is good to find BLM land only (when it works )

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I am just the opposite, On X has worked great for me on my iPhone and my IPad. The key for me has been to make sure the the off line maps are fully loaded for my hunts. If there is service then I am really golden, however I have used the off line maps for entire hunts and they worked excellent
The app has worked great for me, but I dont use it necessarily to navigate from A to B or set waypoints. Instead i primarily use it to locate public land and verify boundaries of public vs private, especially on block management or checkerbiard sections of public land.
Interesting I have had great luck with the app on my I phone 7. The only thing I don't like/or maybe just do not understand how to best use is the offline maps.

If I just try to load them at any time it will not work. I have to put my phone in airplane mode for them to load. Not a big deal, just took me a while to figure it out.

Hope it sorts out for you guys as it can be a helpful tool, though as many have said maybe not the best GPS app on the market more helpful for research and having confidence you are not trespassing.

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It did work, for the most part. I obviously just put to much Faith in an unproven deal. My 5 missing way points were the locations of 5 separate bucks I located this weekend. That is why, I'm so irritated. I know about where they were, but geeze. I'm not happy about that.
Maybe I'm just unfamiliar with the app, but I am pretty frustrated right now. I downloaded the app from the Google play store. Tried it out on the free trial and thought it was awesome. So I subscribe with the "Elite" membership and start downloading maps of my hunt area over Wi-Fi. So I go to use it this weekend and the app keeps crashing and won't open? I restart my phone and turn off the Wi-Fi and it seems to be working but can't find my location? I had the "Use offline maps" option on also. Then it asks me to sign in with my password? Keep in mind, I am in the middle of nowhere with spotty to no cell reception.

Somehow, I get the infernal thing to start working by starting a track. Now, I add a way point. OK. I add 5 more way points and then close the app that night. The next morning, more of the same crashing business and I restart my phone yada yada. Finally get it going and 5 of my important way points are no where to be found! Ya, I'm irritated at this point.

Wifi has nothing to do with your location, did you have your location function on? I suspect not since it started to work when you started to track and to track the program probably asked you to or initiated your location function as this needs to be on to track.
How are you storing your offline maps? Most phones don't have enough internal memory to store many maps, if your phone is SD card capable you should be saving the offline maps to a SD card. I run a 32gb SD card in my Android phone just to have room to store maps. If you phone won't accept an SD card how much memory do you have?
Last weekend while scouting my buddy was running ONX while I was running the Earthmate app, I played with the ONX app on his phone and it seemed to work just fine.
What phone are you using? How old is your phone? It takes some RAM to run this mapping stuff so if you have an older slow phone that could be most of your issues.
I can't get it to work on my phone right now hooked to 5G. I can only view far away or detail of my saved map. Any where else is burry

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I had the location on. I have a Samsung S7. It's 32mb? It showed 10mb of unused memory. How do I save the maps to the sd card? The app never asked where I wanted to save them?

Edit: It's a 32gig S7. I just added a 16gig SD card . I transferred most of my stuff to the sd card but I'm not seeing the maps.
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I can't get it to work on my phone right now hooked to 5G. I can only view far away or detail of my saved map. Any where else is burry

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If your lacking detail on a saved map it's most likely because the app is pulling from your phones 4g data ect ...put it on airplane mode and only pull from the saved maps. When you do that you will be able to see and access all the downloadable information and overlays for the maps.
I had terrific luck with Onx last year scouting and hunting. This year has been different, with the same issues as the OP. Grey screens, black screens, not saving locations reliably. I don't care if they are getting a new version or not, there's a lot of subscribers in the field right now doing a million hours of pre-season scouting that have ONX figured into their plans. They need to support their customers far better than many have experienced. I can't call them from every damn mountain top in Idaho begging for help when the stupid App crashes. I canceled my subscription and will steer others away from it too.
From what I have read over the years, there's a secret squirrel handshake that needs to be done after d/l the maps and using in the field. Something about turning off with/with out service, etc.

no thanks, I'll stick with the gps chip.
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OK, maps are saved to the sd card now. I'm not sure what the problem is, but my phone could have been oit of memory I suppose? I lost a ton of pictures I thought I had as well.