Frustrated with On X Hunt app....

Once you have the maps saved to your SD card I would pull the card from the phone so your maps aren't deleted then uninstall the app, power down and restart the phone, re-install the app, power off the phone, install SD card then power up the phone. This should remove all the app stuff and maps on your phone then re-install a fresh app and basically clean things up.

To speed up your phone while in the field turn off WIFI, your mobile data and clean the phones memory cash.
I had terrific luck with Onx last year scouting and hunting. This year has been different, with the same issues as the OP. Grey screens, black screens, not saving locations reliably. I don't care if they are getting a new version or not, there's a lot of subscribers in the field right now doing a million hours of pre-season scouting that have ONX figured into their plans. They need to support their customers far better than many have experienced. I can't call them from every damn mountain top in Idaho begging for help when the stupid App crashes. I canceled my subscription and will steer others away from it too.

I would say like others have stated that this is not an app issue but a phone issue were you don't have enough memory on the phone to run the app right. Phones come loaded with a bunch of crap then we tend to add more useless crap to an already full phone. Most people don't want to spend the extra money on a phone to get the faster Ram or the bigger memory storage but for toughs of us wanting to GPS with our phones its best to get the faster phone with a lot of storage capacity.
Even with a lot of RAM and storage its best to watch how many and what kind of apps we install as these apps can use a lot of RAM running in the background.
I used to have a lot of these same problems with the app (to the point where I didn't try it again an entire season), but since doing the following, I rarely have problems:

1.) Save your maps for offline use while at home.
2.) When in the field, put your phone in AIRPLANE mode.
3.) Set ONX to use offline maps
4.) Turn location services on

It seemed like if the phone wasn't in airplane mode, it would always try to use your phone's connection and NOT use the saved maps.

I used the app for 4 hunts last year and half a dozen backcountry fishing trips this year and it hasn't failed me since.
No faith in the onx app. I use the service for the layers it has, but I do all of my mapping over in caltopo and I sync those maps to gaiagps on my phone. They just rolled out a new website and a new app so there is going to be a whole new slew of bugs to be fixed. Their new website is like a hall of mirrors trying to figure things out. And they are using some dark patterns to get you to sign up for elite even when you already have a state membership. :mad:
I think I really underestimated how much data it takes to download the maps for offline use. Also, I just got the update and now the maps I had don't work! Lol, of course not...why would they. I will keep at it....
With the update it now shows how much data each map is using.

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No faith in the onx app. I use the service for the layers it has, but I do all of my mapping over in caltopo and I sync those maps to gaiagps on my phone. They just rolled out a new website and a new app so there is going to be a whole new slew of bugs to be fixed. Their new website is like a hall of mirrors trying to figure things out. And they are using some dark patterns to get you to sign up for elite even when you already have a state membership. :mad:

you sync caltopo maps to gaia? is there a tutorial somewhere that shows how to do this?
I'm about to go to bed for a trip early tomorrow so I may get back to answering in more detail once I get back, but one thing to make sure is to open the app the night before a trip. If you have been off the app too long it may decide not to let you use it without first verifying that you have a valid subscription for the area you're trying to view (otherwise what's to keep you from canceling once you have your hunting area downloaded and using airplane mode every time you open the app).

I haven't played with the app a ton yet, but I did notice that the ROAM app was much more stable than the HUNT app for Android when I played around with it last year. I still love Backcountry Navigator as my primary map, but OnX is still necessary for private land boundaries/ownership. I will play around with the app some more this week while I'm in the woods and may have some more tips when I get back.
Maybe you guys should look at a different app if your having this many problems as I think you are way over paying for the ONX app in my opinion. The only app I can really give an honest review on is the Garmin Earthmate payed hunt version which cost round $40 the first year then $20 something each year after the first. The cost is for all 50 states and includes hunt unit boundary, property ownership, topo maps, areal photos, and a few other base maps.
From what I have seen comparing the Earthmate to ONX is the Earthmate app doesn't have as many landowner names, all the property boundary's are marked out and some private has landowner contact info but not as much as the ONX. Also the ONX had some walk in access boundary's marked where the Earthmate didn't.
I do know that my Earthmate app works well and doesn't crash my phone, the program doesn't need to be opened before a trip to make sure i'm paid up, the web version is easy to work with and plan things out, both my phone and tablet sync with the web version for easy information transfer and the web version will except map data file imports so maps and other track data can be added to your maps as well as being able to export your data to other people.
Might give Earthmate a look for your mapping needs. I was also going to recommend Back Country Navigator but from the post above it sounds like BCN doesn't have ownership data so I won't, no since in paying for 2 mapping programs when one is all a guy needs.
you sync caltopo maps to gaia? is there a tutorial somewhere that shows how to do this?

It's very simple, you just build your map in caltopo, then choose Export > Download GPX file. Then on the gaia web app, login and click your username in the top right, and choose Upload. Then just make sure that in the app you have it set to cloud sync so that it pulls all of your routes and POIs from the web app into the mobile app. In addition to this, you also have to download the map layers that you want separately, which is done all on your phone.

Caltopo also integrates seamlessly into google earth, so you can manage your map in caltopo and see your changes (somewhat) instantly reflected in google earth. Let me know if you need any more help.
Well, I got the updated on x app. I can't download a single map for offline use! They are about 128mb and the download fails about halfway through every time. I'll give them a little more time to figure out the bugs but I'm about ready to cancel and look at other options.
It's very simple, you just build your map in caltopo, then choose Export > Download GPX file. Then on the gaia web app, login and click your username in the top right, and choose Upload. Then just make sure that in the app you have it set to cloud sync so that it pulls all of your routes and POIs from the web app into the mobile app. In addition to this, you also have to download the map layers that you want separately, which is done all on your phone.

Caltopo also integrates seamlessly into google earth, so you can manage your map in caltopo and see your changes (somewhat) instantly reflected in google earth. Let me know if you need any more help.

Whats the cost of caltopo? I might have to play around with customizing maps then importing the GPX into Earthmate.
Garmin Earthmate seems to have its own problems from reading the reviews. All I see is "Massive battery drain" over and over?
The Gaia app seems better at first glance, but the public land overlay seems weak? Weak as in not accurate and not complete? I'm just looking at the sample map, but that wasn't impressing me.
Wow. So my first month subscription was up and I got charged $15 For the next month. My account was reset to "Basic" and I don't have access to squat! My content from my last hunt is still there, but I've had it! I never was able to download any maps for my Wyoming hunt. I emailed customer service this morning and did not recieve a response today other then the auto reply. I'm done! I downloaded Backcountry Navigator and paid for the BLM overlay as well as the GMU overlay. Amazing....I have my entire unit downloaded and cashed on my phone. I've heard a lot of good talk about on X, but I have basically had nothing but trouble. Hopefully, this will save somebody a lot of aggravation that I had to go through.
Has anyone seen any improvement? I have used it extensively from early last fall. It is extremely slow for all steps. Extremely frustrating! For example it takes 15-32 seconds to add or delete a waypoint! Gaia gps is light years more responsive . I am running onx on an iPhone 6. I Deleted app and re downloaded as they suggested. No improvements. So frustrating.
Has anyone seen any improvement? I have used it extensively from early last fall. It is extremely slow for all steps. Extremely frustrating! For example it takes 15-32 seconds to add or delete a waypoint! Gaia gps is light years more responsive . I am running onx on an iPhone 6. I Deleted app and re downloaded as they suggested. No improvements. So frustrating.

I have no problems with performance and responsiveness on my Google Pixel 2.