Franklin universal bullet seating die


Jun 11, 2023
Does anyone have experience with the Franklin Universal Die?

I am considering one because I am having difficulty maintaining the correct seating deph and the kit covers a broad spectrum of calibers.

The more I read and learn on Rokslide the more precise I want to be. I have not been able to find much on this setup except on the general web. Feed back on Rokslide has usually proven more accurate. Thank for any feedback
Is it truly accurate?

In the sense of if you seat something, measure, and adjust the depth to where you want it, then yes it is spot on.

I can't tell you if it produces better or worse concentricity than any other cartridge specific or universal seating die, nor if the down range results are better or worse.

I like it because I can buy solo sizing dies, I can just drop a bullet in the sleeve and it self aligns, and I can hit my desired seating depth after one test stroke.
I have one. It works nice. But if you don't have consistent neck tension and don't do a good job on your brass you still won't get good results.
Thanks everyone. I do prep my brass well and carefully measure. I have never had an issue with neck tension. (I will review neck tension). I am just looking for consistency and a fast way to seat bullets. The way I currently seat takes much longer then I believe necessary.

The fact that the gauge measures multiple calibers is a huge plus rather than having to buy a seater for each die. I currently load for 7 calibers. I am not sure why I have so many but really like to shoot and hunt.

I ordered one five minutes ago! Thanks for all the input!
They are extremely convenient, have noticed a bit more runout then my Forester seating die. Out of the loaded rnds the Forester might have two that are on the high side vs the Frankfort might have 3-4. With that being said, I have run test and concentricity has proven to have less effect then we would like to believe. If your running a benchrest rig maybe you can see it over a larger data set but for hunting purposes forget it. I know I'll open a can of worms but this is my personal experience with the subject. I mostly use mine during seating depth test as I always have a second caliber specific seating die set up for standard loads.