Frame for Curved back


Sep 6, 2021
So i did the test where you stick your hand behind your back against the wall, and i could fit my whole fist and then some. Does that mean i should only consider frames that have curved stays? Will anything flat be uncomfortable to me?

The two curved back options ive found in my research were SG and kifaru - am i missing one?

I was looking hard at the MR metcalf - but their frame is pretty flat looking.
x curve stays cannot be adjusted for contour, kifaru aluminum stays can be adjusted for contour. my mr guide lite is a straight back design. If you have a short torso a curved stay may not be best for you regardless of the wall test result.
I probably have a similar back profile to you. I had the exo but moved away from it as I couldn't get the fit quite right (would always slip down my back and ride on the top of my ass even with only 30-40 lbs). I'm in a Kifaru with curved stays now and it fits my back much better.

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Got to try on an SG x frame today and the krux to compare (with ~45#) and the xframe fit like a glove.

There arent any dealers in Ga but im on a work trip in Springfield and as luck would have it, a local archery shop had their stuff to i got to see the full line, which was pretty cool. Now to decide on a bag