FORLOH - "The One"

Thanks so much for the feedback. Our CEO and Founder is in the field and has been testing this pack for the last year. Also, our Chief Product Officer came from Kuiu, so we are leading the way in new technology. If you have any specific questions about our new packs please do not hesitate to ask and or contact our customer service team [email protected]. We are always here to help and to guide our customers to the right gear that's right for them. We understand that America is not what it was in 1974, but we are working hard to change that and to continue to support our country any way we can. Thanks again for checking us out, supporting FORLOH and American made products. 100% sourced and Made in the USA, with a lifetime warranty and satisfaction guarantee, this pack is your new hunting day pack.
Just shows how disconnected your CEO and CPO are from the hunting community. Its unfortunate…for the life of me I can’t imagine dumping that much time, money and energy into a product based on the input of two people. They need to evaluate their circle and stop surrounding themselves with “Yes” men.
Fellas, if it ain’t your cup of tea it’s understandable. But, what do you get for being obnoxious about it?
I feel the first thread started quite civil- then the forloh braintrust started to weigh in. These posters are just matching that indignation

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I feel the first thread started quite civil- then the forloh braintrust started to weigh in. These posters are just matching that indignation

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I don’t read it that way. I see a lot of people taking some pretty liberal interpretations of what was posted by Forloh.
I read the thread. I’m now wandering if you did.
Yep read both of them. Besides terrible pr, backyard glamor shot"testing", that awful moose pic and the buzzwords there wasn't much substance there.
Remember neither of these threads started from a user and forloh had to jump in and put out a fire. They started the fire prematurely, told us there wasn't a fire, then said there is a fire but we have fire experts that work with special forces.

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Yep read both of them. Besides terrible pr, backyard glamor shot"testing", that awful moose pic and the buzzwords there wasn't much substance there.
Remember neither of these threads started from a user and forloh had to jump in and put out a fire. They started the fire prematurely, told us there wasn't a fire, then said there is a fire but we have fire experts that work with special forces.

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It’s easy then. Don’t buy it. And keep revisiting this thread to ensure you convince everyone of the same.

Go buy whatever you want. That’s the world we live in.
With regards to the bluntness of comments, I think at the root of this conversation you have a proprietor that does not understand their product market and from what has been observed on several product release threads is not listening to their consumers. To add to this you are dealing with a highly informed and experienced audience of consumers who invest thousands of dollars in top-shelf gear every year.

And since we are not leaving it alone, it's also interesting how similar the new AlpsOutdoor Extreme Pack line is to the design and execution of Forloh's. The new Alps's Ghost20 looks very similar to this pack, as does the Elite 3800 to the Forloh Method. The Alps Elite frame even seems to sag and bend backward the same way under load as the Forloh:
View attachment 428908View attachment 428910

That’s hurting my back just looking at the moose pic…

However here is a sneak peek at their next pack

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These last two FORLOH threads have been really interesting.

I'm not American, so when I 'buy American' it's mainly under the assumption that it will be better quality than something Chinese. I support Australian made (or Australian companies) in a lot of areas but plenty of the gear I use is American. Supporting American does nothing for the economy or job security of people in my country so I just support people who seem to be good people with a good reputation and good philosophy. Been an Exo user for over four years and now waiting on a Kifaru bag as I'm retiring my Exo (giving it to my wife). The ol' 5500 is very tired.

The idea that another company is coming out with some great new stuff is exciting. The fabric sounds interesting for sure, and keeping the market competitive will usually (hopefully) lead to everyone lifting their game and the consumer being spoiled for choice with fantastic products. While it may not be seen as essential for some people, a pack that is completely waterproof is a cool idea at the very least. The industry still seems divided in this area to me and the debate is always interesting. I'm a big fan of the internal dry bag for my Exo but it seems plenty of people still prefer a pack cover.

What confuses me is how FORLOH have been evasive in their responses to legitimate constructive criticism. I've watched their YouTube videos and had a look at their instagram and the production of their content is all really high quality and looks good. At the very least in this area they seem to understand how to market their products and what the consumer is looking for when they are researching gear. Having said this, there is still a distinct lack of anything out there as yet that shows any of the packs functioning in an acceptable manner when carrying weight. It very much looks like the moose picture was posted to show off and now the consumers are pointing out the (obvious) flaws, we are getting told "yeh, that was a prototype but it's all good now". Do we just need to take their word for it?

Content creation is such a huge part of the industry now. Other brands go above and beyond to show their gear being used/abused/tested and have usually informative justification for things being a certain way. For someone of my height (5ft 7in) a 22in frame likely wouldn't be an issue, but the concern for the taller people is absolutely real. If FORLOH have found a way to have a 22in frame fit all of these people, that will be fantastic and very interesting to look at, but it is hard for the consumer to just take their word for it when most other companies in this niche have longer frames. It is safe for us to assume that Kifaru/Exo and similar know what they're doing, but it is also easier for them to appear that way as a lot more people are using their stuff so the runs on the board are out there for all to see.

I'm interested in keeping up with how all this works out. If they're good, it's cool to see another contender in the mix, but as someone who feels like an outsider a lot of the time. And by that I mean, very engaged in hunting but from the other side of the world, yet consuming almost all of the same content.

I really, really want to love forloh…I love the thought of American Made hunting gear……in fact I go out of my way to buy American when I can.

With forloh, I have tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, but man it’s getting hard to keep my thoughts to myself. This is comedy. The name of the pack, the video, lol…. The price🤣🤣

Such interesting marketing techniques over the short history of forloh. I think this seals the deal for me🤣 I’m out

I really, really want to love forloh…I love the thought of American Made hunting gear……in fact I go out of my way to buy American when I can.

With forloh, I have tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, but man it’s getting hard to keep my thoughts to myself. This is comedy. The name of the pack, the video, lol…. The price🤣🤣

Such interesting marketing techniques over the short history of forloh. I think this seals the deal for me🤣 I’m out
I agree, I want them to be successful and I want to support them bad. Their jackets have been great and their pants, I’m really enjoying but the $20-$50 increase on prices recently of clothes and these two packs, is very off putting. It seems like a lot of the ads and the ceo are catering towards southern/Caribbean/keys fishing folk not the “hardcore” backpack hunter.
I’m really hoping they make a change for the better towards the type of person at Rokslide but who knows. They are dang close to pricing themselves out of the average joe market.