The Texas quote was funny because I have used it my entire life as I grew up in Alaska. After spending five years active in the Marine Corps, I settled in Arkansas so it’s a small world.
I have had a different experience with Forloh however. While I don’t own all their gear, I have been incredibly impressed with every item that I do have and will continue to acquire more of their gear in the coming years.
While the prices are a little higher and there is certainly a marketing gimmick that revolves around “made and sourced in the USA”, I haven’t found a quality product that totes the same quality for a lower price and would gladly pay an extra $40 for a quality product that is sourced from the country I love. Considering the current environment, that isn’t easy to do as most of our manufacturing has been outsourced for too many reasons to list in this post.
My real concern is that I was seconds away from buying this pack and thankfully was able to abstain because I did my research and simply didn’t see the relevant reviews from trusted sources. “Influencers” are for sale but Rokslide serves as a counterbalance to that dynamic IMO and this only serves to enforce that belief for me. Forloh is a sponsor and we still got an honest review?

that’s the way business should be done from both sides.
I trust the reviewers in this process and now more than ever I trust Forloh because of their response to the situation. Sure they should have done more testing but there is a big difference between making high end technical hunting apparel and packs. Sure their CEO came on and touted the technology but for those of you that have never been a CEO (I have), that’s the job. You create a product that you think is better than everyone else’s and preach that gospel until your proven wrong by a discerning group of consumers. Focus groups can only carry you so far; you need real world experienced users to carry a product across the finish line where quality is concerned.
Mistakes will be made in all new endeavors but I for one will be standing at the front of the line to buy this pack if/when they get it right and will continue to acquire more Forloh gear as they continue to innovate.
On a completely separate note: their solair pants are freaking amazing. The insect guard or whatever it’s called actually works and the cooling thingymawhatsit actually works as well. I can shoot my bow for an hour in 90+ degrees with high humidity and while my torso is drenched in sweat (wearing a cotton T shirt) my legs have little to no perpetration. It could simply be that they are the lightest pants I have ever worn, it could also be the UPF, or any number of factors but at the end of the day, they have been the only pants I’m comfortable wearing this summer.
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