Let me start by saying I disagree with most fed employees, so most here will probably be triggered by what I'm about to write. Consider yourself warned

Got over 22 years total through the military, DOD, and now the DOI in the fish and wildlife working on a refuge.
Listened on an employee call Thursday and all they were doing is coaching those working out of the office on how to get a doctors note to stay out of the office, DISGUSTING.
I've always been an essential personal so never worked remote. My dealings with remote workers has always been frustrating. Can't get any work done when employees won't answer the phone, text ,or email..
For those at retirement age I think you would be nuts not to take this deal. In my experiences the gov has almost always over compensated on deals like this, not screwed over employees. Screw the paperwork up indeed, and make it overwhelming difficult for sure, but your getting eight months of pay for your time.
Now for the bullsheet of gov employees returning to any gov building is completely infuriating. Get your a$$ to the place your employed at....... We are getting flooded with calls from folks looking for an office, hello we don't have the budget for the extra expenses, GET YOUR YO A$$ TO YOUR OWN FACILITIES.
My hope is the whole gov system is truly overhauled and people are held to a much higher standards with strict enforcement. If your work isn't up to par then yes you will have issues with my way of thinking.
I know my way of thinking doesn't align with your average gov employees way of thinking, never has never will.
For those that are triggered now, sorry but you were warned
Ok rant over for the moment. Mods I totally understand if my statements above dont alignment with rockslide standards and I totally get it if ya remove them.
I come here for the hunting topics, I just totally got caught up in this crap this morning. Please don't ban me from here.