Forced Air cleaning

Every two years. If you have never had it done there will be a lot of fuzz/lint/dog hair etc. And change furnace filter annually. The whole system will be more efficient.
Got it done once and didn’t notice a difference. This was on a 20 y/o house with iffy maintenance history. We thought it was a sham, honestly.
I got mine done when we changed the HVAC two years ago. Can’t say I noticed anything performance-wise, but it did clear out some dust etc.

What does make a big difference in our house is the filter. I change mine every 4 months or so.
Had ours done in a rental after about 6 months of living there. We were sick on and off for a majority of that time. Had the management company bring in someone to clean them out. No issues after that.
I just take my registers and return air grills ( where most of the crap settles) off and take a good shop vac and stick the hose in there and vacume them out real good.
Dryer vent , depending if it's the floppy flex stuff or hard pipe. If it hard pipe you can get a long 4 inch brush and run it in and out of the pipe also. If it's flex, and easily accessible I just replace it.
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