FNG moving to Cinci


Classified Approved
Nov 28, 2023
Can anyone help me out with some direction? Moving to Cinci from southside VA to support my wife with her dream job. Anyone willing to take me under their wing or help me out? Huge deer, turkey, and duck hunter. Hunt clubs? Public? Anyone need a hunting buddy?

No help on Cinci, but where in VA since you mentioned Southside?

Good luck,


P.S. Any chance her dream job is with Kroger?
I don't do much up that way, but KY fish and wildlife has a pretty good resource - https://fw.ky.gov/Hunt/Pages/Public-Land-Hunting.aspx

Deer densities are probably pretty high south and west of Cinci, so that is where I would start. KY NR tags are not too expensive.

I hunt southeast Ohio via a friend of a friend - pretty good deer populations out that way as well. Maybe some NF land? I haven't really looked as we have a spot of private already.