I am in the process of tinkering with my arrow setup to try and increase my foc. I am currently shooting a 300 spine FMJ @28.75” long with a 125 grain tip pulling 70 lbs with a total weight of 513 grains and a foc of 10%.
Is it counter productive to cut down a FMJ just past the rest to increase speed and help with FOC %. If I were to do that I would be shooting a lighter, shorter and increased foc arrow in theory but then again I’m pretty green with all of this.
Owner at my archery shop said he only shoots arrows for consistent groups and doesn’t worry about foc or paper tuning, that really has thrown me for a loop.
Is it counter productive to cut down a FMJ just past the rest to increase speed and help with FOC %. If I were to do that I would be shooting a lighter, shorter and increased foc arrow in theory but then again I’m pretty green with all of this.
Owner at my archery shop said he only shoots arrows for consistent groups and doesn’t worry about foc or paper tuning, that really has thrown me for a loop.