Easton Axis 4mm vs VAP TKO

Dylan Sluis

Nov 8, 2021
I'm looking at getting a new arrow setup for this coming year. I want a 4mm for sure and will be using Podium Archer Titanium components. These are the only 4mm shafts that I know of with a GPI from 8.7-9.5. So first of all is there any shafts that I am forgetting about. And second of all do any of you have experience with these two shafts and what are your opinions. I did the math and between the two arrows built exactly the same it would be a .2% difference in FOC and 4 grains lighter with the axis being lighter and higher FOC. That's so marginal to me that I don't care and just want to see what you guys think.

I lean towards the VAP as to me with the carbon weaving i would think it would be more durable and the spine alignment is an added bonus. Thanks!
I’ve used both and have had great results with both. Ended up with VAP TKO elites simply because I found some good deals.
Currently have a dozen with the Easton half outs and the podium titanium half outs as well.

Honestly you can’t go wrong with either, but both companies have literally just released new arrows and would check those out
I’ve used both and have had great results with both. Ended up with VAP TKO elites simply because I found some good deals.
Currently have a dozen with the Easton half outs and the podium titanium half outs as well.

Honestly you can’t go wrong with either, but both companies have literally just released new arrows and would check those out
Ya their new arrows look amazing. I want a 4mm though which neither of them are. Otherwise I would probably be going that route
Can’t speak for the Axis but I really liked my VAP TKO. If durability is a consideration, I think the TKO definitely outshines the Axis. They are extremely durable.
Easton X10 Parallel Pro if you want premium arrows would fit that bill or Black Eagle X Impact
Out of those 2, Id pick the Axis. But Id go X10 PP over both. But also I think 204 is the perfect arrow. And the Axis 5mm is that arrow. I havent used the new 5.0 yet, but plan to. I will say that made in USA sways me a good bit. I try to buy USA when it’s a option.

The axis 5mm has been my go to for a long, long time. I’ve tried others and they are more or less solid (except fmj) but I don’t have a legit reason to switch from something that has never given me problems over the course of a decade. Ive shot the rip tkos and vap tko and have no complaint there.

People can argue about spine alignment, the victory marks are basically a suggestion. They aren’t always right. Shooting spots, sure maybe you steal some points. But with the acucarbon I just spin test, cut and fletch.
I went with the Axis and have been shooting them for over a year. I picked Easton for two main reasons, they're made in the USA and they have a continuous weave that doesn't leave a spine.