Fleshing tool recommendation

I called it a rotary nozzle but it’s definitely a turbo nozzle. It works so well that I don’t understand why most taxidermists don’t use it. Once I saw how it works I quickly made up a plywood board and then set it up at a steep angle. I could lay half the hide over it or most of a cape with the head hanging off the end. This would give me a nice angle and hold the hide or cape in place. It’s amazing how fast it is and clean the hide is. Be sure and wear a rain suit though! 🤣
I had a Necker 600. For the money, I thought it was a good knife. I did later buy a Caribou, which I liked better. It was more flexible and stayed sharp longer.
My friend does it all traditional and she uses one of the major leg bones (femur?) and cuts it at an angle and uses that.
I already forwarded the pressure washer video, might not be using bone anymore lol