FL Origin Pant vs Sitka Midi Pant


Mar 18, 2024
Central Mo.
Who has used both of these pants? I have the midi pant which is great stand alone and even better mid layer. Going with FL gear this upcoming season.
Are the origins an upgrade, I feel they both resemble each other?
I have the Sitka midi. I bought them probably in 2021 and wear them anytime I will be sitting more than two hours at less than 35 F. They're fine to sneak/still hunt in but if you need to walk a lot or drag a deer, you better be shedding other layers or carrying them out.

My layers with them are usually a light weight base, a heavy merino-base, the midi and then either Timberline pants or Stratus bibs, usually the bibs anytime I plan to sit more than walk. If I'm thinking 50/50 or more walking, probably the Timberlines and maybe no heavy base.