Hello all, this is my first post on the Archery page. I am relatively new to archery. 2015 was my first archery hunting year, it was difficult but I was able to connect with a mule deer doe (using a solid broadhead). I wanted to lighten my arrow up this year (from 490 gr to 430 gr) because I will mainly be hunting mule deer here in Washington. With the lighter arrow it should be flying around 280 fps. Max effective range is 40 yds, but would like to get that up to 50. It is really windy here in Eastern Washington so wind drift is a concern. I liked the Solid broadheads last year but I did not love the cost! Every time I missed, I would cringe thinking another $25 down the drain. I am looking at a new broadheads and was thinking about a slick trick, wac-em, or VPA fixed. But tell me about mechanicals, I feel that since I will only be hunting deer with this set up that a mechanical should give me good performance but I read a lot of stories where they don't open at the right time, or something happens to cause them not to work correctly. I do like the idea of how they probably fly truer than fixed but I'm not sure I can trust them. What is your experience?