Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the all in one? Or is it just one of those personal preference things?
I haven't tried it in so long that am not certain about anything except it was hard to use accurately so it went in the tool set for emergencies only, it hasn't come out since.
If I recall correctly, there are hash marks on the barrel indicating Ft/lbs 10,15, 20, 25..... You start turning against resistance until the hash line on the other barrel lines lines up with the desired torque amount.
1) Instead of focusing on what you are doing, you have to keep one eye on the device to make sure you over-torque it.
2) Let's say you are setting up a scope with a total of 8 fasteners on tge rings. I don't think it is possible to get really consistent, accurate torque for all 8 fasteners.
With something like the Wheeler, you should be able to do better on consistency.