Firstlite 308 Pant Pre Review *Updated with review*

Is your experience they dry slow? They are advertised as having no elastic and 100% poly therefore they should be no difference between attack and these in dry times.
They came the day before I went back to work for the week. So I won’t get to wear them hunting until Tuesday. So we’ll see, they seem stretchier than attacks. Read a few reviews on the first life website about durability issues. Time will tell.
Wearing my 308s as I write this. A great pant, and probably the most comfortable and well built on my rack. Agreed with all of the comments in the review here. You will want to climb into them every day.
Brock I am very sorry to ask a question unrelated to the 308' pants, and I did enjoy the reveiew! But what are the sights on the rifle you are carrying? The front sight looks interesting. I see the threaded muzzle, but that is about it. I would be curious as to that rifle and its sights. Thanks so much, and keep up the good work! Brad Griffith Dallas
Brock I am very sorry to ask a question unrelated to the 308' pants, and I did enjoy the reveiew! But what are the sights on the rifle you are carrying? The front sight looks interesting. I see the threaded muzzle, but that is about it. I would be curious as to that rifle and its sights. Thanks so much, and keep up the good work! Brad Griffith Dallas
Its my CVA Muzzleloader. That is a Williams globe sight on the front that you see.