First year Colorado otc archery elk

Biggest advice is to make sure you and your cousins are as in the best shape possible, or have realistic expectations on where you can get an elk out from. Doesn’t do any good if you shoot one and can’t get it out. Either have a packer ready to call, or stay within an a certain distance from the road/trailhead. A mile in flat land is nothing, but a mile in CO at 10,000 feet is hard enough, along with all of the deadfall and elevation change. Everything will be much bigger and steeper than you’ll be able to see from maps.

If it’s your first western trip, just learn as much as you can and have fun. There are elk, but there’s a reason success rates are 10% and lower.
I think your second sentence is the one that most people fail to realize/recognize. Hauling 200-300 lbs of boned meat 5 miles (particularly if you have to go uphill with it) is something that you can't realize how hard it is until you do it.
I think your second sentence is the one that most people fail to realize/recognize. Hauling 200-300 lbs of boned meat 5 miles (particularly if you have to go uphill with it) is something that you can't realize how hard it is until you do it.

I don't think they need to worry about it.
I don't think they need to worry about it.
If I read your comment correctly, I get what you are saying in that chances are they won't be only point is that we shouldn't be hunting in a place (distance from vehicle) that we can't ethically get the meat out without risking spoilage in the case that we are in fact successful.
First post guys. Me and my cousin are planning a Colorado otc elk hunt. Anyone have any gear tips for us?
I use a first lite short sleeve, first lite kiln hoodie with a gore-tex rain jacket on top when it's cold. First lite Obsidian Moreno pants, again with some gore-tex rain pants when it's cold. Throw in a beanie and some gloves and you will be set. Been in early season snow storms and 90° days with this setup without problems
Weather Tip:
Rarely does it rain in the mornings in Colorado. Make hunting plans around this.

September is monsoon season so afternoon rains are more prevalent.

They are quick hitters, but windy and cold along with rain when it happens (monsoons have been minimal that past couple years)

Elk really like to move during or right after a rain shower so plan accordingly

It has actually been a somewhat wet summer here in Colorado. More cloud cover and longer duration storms with steady rainfall. Instead of the violent isolated cells with torrential rain and hail that we have been getting the last few years.
If you're going for a few days, I like to have two water treatment options (filter + tabs). A little whiskey might be a great treat after a few nights.
First post guys. Me and my cousin are planning a Colorado otc elk hunt. Anyone have any gear tips for us?
Honestly the best boots for your feet, a good pack, trekking poles and chapstick and Vaseline after a few days my lips and nose were cracking it was so dry won't go back without em
Have you had any backpacking or elk hunting experience?

Early September is generally pretty hot, but you can get some crazy weather in the mountains. Need to be prepared for it at least. Merino wool clothing is definitely something I would consider a comfort item for a backpack hunt. Not necessary, but definitely worth the cost.
2 years ago when I was there it was 85 during the day and one morning we woke up with 8 inches of snow