First Suppressor - recommendations

Oh goody, another can thread! My local shop has a couple scythes sitting there. Plus the 2 in the back with my name on them. You need to figure out what you want out of a can. I just keep buying them because I hadn’t found the perfect one. The scythe so far is it. The mounting system is crucial in a length conscious purchase. My omega 300 with flush mount caps is under 12oz, performs very very well, due to the mounting system it adds 5.5” to OAL. Some can lengths are advertised as one thing, but utilize an outboard mount, like my tbac ultra 5 and the back country. The back country is only 1/4” shorter than my omega when measuring OAL. And it does a poor job on recoil management in comparison, along with minimal sound reduction in comparison. My quietest can is a griffin sportsman’s 300 ultralight, but it is also over 8” long. I would recommend an omega 300 for anyones first can.
I’ll check it out for sure. Honestly, Ive walked through life not even realizing suppressed was an option. Grew up on 30-30’s under $300 and $100 scopes. This is a big purchase and no matter how much reading it comes down to “what you like.” I wish I had a slew of friends who shoot of ranges nearby… unfortunately I have few who shoot and even less ranges. I’m not saying I wouldn’t do due diligence, but these threads are an immense help to people who have 3 kids, under 5 and want to get broader experience (I speak from experience lol). I’ll get of my soap box, but you all don’t understand how much someone like me appreciates the insights you can share.
Not that you will find one in stock either, but if you want to maximize sound reduction with shorter cans, get a 6.5 bore. OCL owner mentioned in a reddit thread that a going to a 6.5 bore vs .30 gains about the same as a couple of inches, (edit - seems mostly for shorter cans) very roughly. I don't think you would enjoy a 9" suppressor on a 24" barrel, my OCL hydrogen L feels kinda long on a 16". You might even look at one of the 6.5 bore K (5") cans, but it will be fairly loud comparatively.
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I’m very tempted to go the TBAC Ultra 9 QD, but am concerned about the length on the 24” barrel. Also hearing that QD can be less accurate makes me slightly nervous.

Any experience with that length? Being that I’ve never pitched a can before, idk how often they come back in stock. Just about everything is sold out outside of the 9” QD and Banish series.
I use a 9 “ TBAC can on a 22”, 24”, and 26” rifles. Never have any issues hunting in the west. If your hunting from a truck and moving in and out of the truck quite a bit I could see the benefit of a shorter barrel.

But out hiking around I never have issue with longer barrel. I like speed and setup is quieter. I also use the TBAC CB mount. Makes it easy to swap around the can. No issues with accuracy.
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I use a 9 “ TBAC can on a 22”, 24”, and 26” barrel. Never an issues hunting in the west. I like speed and setup is quieter.
I hunt the Midwest, but still pretty open woods In our area. Won’t be going through a bunch of thick brush, so I’ve gone back and forth.
Not that you will find one in stock either, but if you want to maximize sound reduction with shorter cans, get a 6.5 bore. OCL owner mentioned in a reddit thread that a going to a 6.5 bore vs .30 gains about the same as a couple of inches, very roughly. I don't think you would enjoy a 9" suppressor on a 24" barrel, my OCL hydrogen L feels kinda long on a 16". You might even look at one of the 6.5 bore K (5") cans, but it will be fairly loud comparatively.
I’ve heard similar as well. TBAC is one, but any other specific 6.5 cans that do well?
Part of the issue with a really long barrel and a big suppressor is it throws rifle balance way off. More annoying than the actual length.
I had heard that. Part of the reason why no matter what I get with the 24”, it’ll be titanium. A lot of benefits, but weight being #1 there.
I’ve heard similar as well. TBAC is one, but any other specific 6.5 cans that do well?
Otter creek is the only other 6.5 bore that I have seen out there, though I am sure there are others. The ocl hydrogens score well with pew science, and with the other tests I have seen. They just did a batch of 6.5 cans, and Andrew said they don't make many of those per year, so unless you can find one still in stock, it might be awhile before they make more.
lol maybe an inch but no way is a 6.5 bore versus a 308 equivalent to a couple of inches
I went back and couldn't find the thread, but looking at it, that holds for shorter cans - S to K, but not really for L to S sized. I was likely drinking, so thanks for pointing it out. Anyway, I am psyched for my Hydrogen L, and should certify my S early next week. So, I can do a total bro science, hold my beer, meter with a crappy phone mic test at some point...

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Hey Everyone-

First suppressor purchase incoming and my head is spinning. I just purchased a Bergara B14 HMR Carbon Wilderness in 6.5 PRC. Very excited about the platform for hunting whitetail and some longer range shooting. Most of my hunting is via tree stand, so I’m not terribly worried about weight. No exact budget, maybe $1000-1300? Given the time it takes and the price, I want to get something that is going to last a long time, and will allow me to shoot accurately, comfortably and be easy on the ears at the range. Any insight is appreciated as I’m brand new to this.
Love my thunder beast ultra 7 - 9 is a bit quiet but the 7 is unbelievable for its size and weight. Super accurate and repeatable
Love my thunder beast ultra 7 - 9 is a bit quiet but the 7 is unbelievable for its size and weight. Super accurate and repeatable
Really wish I could find these. Seems like everyone loves them, but tough to locate. I debated getting the 9 with QD, but ideally would prefer the shorter platform.
For a hunting rifle can, I'd insist on 5/8×24 direct thread, 30 cal capable, and full titanium construction. Once you get into the handful of cans that fit that criteria, only the rugged Alaskan 360 has consistently bad reviews. I have zero regrets on my cgs hyperion purchases, now that I have a couple of those I might try a hyperion K next.
For a hunting rifle can, I'd insist on 5/8×24 direct thread, 30 cal capable, and full titanium construction. Once you get into the handful of cans that fit that criteria, only the rugged Alaskan 360 has consistently bad reviews. I have zero regrets on my cgs hyperion purchases, now that I have a couple of those I might try a hyperion K next.
That’s really where I’m leaning. Figure I’ll just wait until something comes in stock. So many solid options, I’ll for sure check these out.