First Lite Shipment Stolen - advice?


Oct 28, 2014
My house is 3/10 of mile down a private drive. The UPS, Fed Ex and USPS still do not leave my packages in the open plain sight near my front door. All of them take the time to walk the extra 30 feet and leave them inside the side door out of sight. Or with fill in non regular drivers they leave a slip stating they tried to make a delivery. On that slip is a place to write in instructions for the next delivery.

My only issue I have with this entire situation is we are assuming that the package was left in plain sight, we really don't know that. It very well could have been left behind the wall and someone came and took it anyway.


Sep 9, 2013

Actual picture of my front porch. Easily hidden behind wall. Past history indicates some drivers do not. Not very likely someone came on my porch without seeing it but that is a possibility. I'm going to do my best to be made whole by fedex so it is what it is at this point if you are too dense to understand that we'll agree to disagree. Consider this a PSA about ordering crap online.
Jun 6, 2013
I live in the Chicago area. The D-bags are thick here. I ship everything to work. Maybe you could do the same.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
So if your front door looks like this facing a street them they should just leave a package in front put in the open?
Really ? They must have a different set of SOP's where your live because here they try to make the delivery twice and after the second time the slip they leave states you have to pick it up at such and such location.

If a signature isn't required, both UPS and Fedex leave the packages on the porch. Everywhere I've lived that's the way it's been done. And that's the way I like it. I hate having to track them down and find my package if I wasn't home and a signature was required. Would hate doing that even more if they no signature was required and they didn't leave it. But these days it's real easy to reroute the package to a Fedex office location so I can pick it up at my leisure. And UPS has an option to change delivery instructions or dates.
Jun 6, 2013
I'm sure that elkyinzer will alter shipment in the future, tough lesson.

I live in an area where these concerns cause me to be more careful. I don't have anything shipped to my house, but I don't know about blaming the victim.

You deserve to have your truck broken into because you had some stickers on it? She was asking for it 'cause she was wearing a short skirt? The fundamental problem is the scumbag.

And for what it's worth, FedEx and UPS have insurance for instances like this. It costs them less than having drivers slow down to fill out pick up slips etc.

But for obvious reasons, regardless of the outcome here, the unfortunate reality is that it'll be less hassle to go through more hassle to get packages.

I ordered some binocs a few years ago. I explained that my shipping address is different than my billing address because I ship to my work address. I don't want packages with expensive items sitting unattended on my porch. Shipping was delayed by a couple of days because they had to verify my work number via the white pages, call me at work twice at different times and send an e-mail that required a response. It can raise questions when doing deals on the classifieds too. There are just too many douchebags out there.

Justin Crossley

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Buckley, WA
Here's the deal guys. I just had to waste my time deleting a bunch of childish posts. I don't like wasting my time. Keep it on topic, and no personal attacks, or I will simply ban you.

Rokslide is a great place to hang out and discuss things, because the members are all good guys/girls who try to help each other out with all sorts of topics. Let's keep it that way.

Thank you


Nov 6, 2013
Here's the deal guys. I just had to waste my time deleting a bunch of childish posts. I don't like wasting my time. Keep it on topic, and no personal attacks, or I will simply ban you.

Rokslide is a great place to hang out and discuss things, because the members are all good guys/girls who try to help each other out with all sorts of topics. Let's keep it that way.

Thank you
Isn't that why they pay u the big money?


Dec 18, 2012
Wentzville, MO & Port Charlotte, FL
So the customer service rep that originally said they would reship the order said her supervisor turned it down and offered a discount, but like I said the gear budget isn't there right now. Ain't this America in 2016 though, I probably would have been better off lying and saying it never arrived rather than verifying it was stolen.

So I just lost $500 in gear. Bummed out for getting excited, but and she probably got chewed out and I can't blame FL at all for the theft. Trying to get them to help me go after FedEx as some have suggested. I do place a portion of the blame on them for not hiding packages and delivering before the window presented at checkout causing me not to be home.

As someone who has an online business that ships 100+ packages a day I can give you some advice on how to handle this. I haven't read all the posts so if some of this has been said then good. First contact FedEx and ask them to investigate it. it doesn't matter if you are the shipper or receiver you can still contact them to investigate it. Often times they can track it w/GPS or the driver may even remember what/where he put the package. Just so you know it is not uncommon for a package to be mark delivered when it actually is still at a local hub, however this is mostly with USPS not FedEx. Now to FL , they have to resend you a new complete order, there is no if, and, but about it. I've dealt with issues like this many times. If they do not then you can put a claim in w/your credit card company and you will definitely win that. In order for FL to win the dispute w/the card company they have to show proof of delivery WITH a signature if not they will side in your favor. A simple tracking number showing it was delivered will not work in a credit card dispute. And the signature has to be by the person who's name is on the card to the address that is associated with the card, not a separate billing/shipping address. We lose about a grand a month to crap like this, it happens, it's the cost of doing business. So go back to FL tell them if they do not send you a package then you will dispute it. Like I said you will win this due to what I mentioned but also the laws/rules of credit heavily favor the customer in situations like this anyway. FL wont want to deal with this because if it goes to a credit card dispute, not only will they lose the money for the purchase price but they will also have to pay a fee for the dispute so it's a little more of a loss than just the purchase price to them. If you need any help on this let me know, I have to deal with it more times that I want unfortunately.