Businesses make decisions based on many different factors. And who am I to know how their books look. Theres a few reasons I feel the way I do. pisses all over the small business owners who "took a shot" stocking product from a new company with no idea of how it would sell. Footing the bill, taking the risk, elbow rubbing with customers, etc. All those business owners who help grow First Lite its a hell of a way to say "thank you". valuable is YOUR time? I value my time pretty high. Waiting a few days for shipments to get to me, only to find out the size isn't true, or it doesn't allow free movement, or there is a defect in the product, only to have to repackage the merchandise back up, waste gas driving to the post office, spend more of my time to get it back in the mail....all to wait again for an exchange. Time wasted, money wasted, headache, hassle. Why go through all of that when I could go try on some Sitka, Cabelas, etc gear off the rack and ensure I walk out with what a timely fashion and without wasted money and headache. Just saying....
Id rather spend my time with my wife, kids, or out hunting or fishing than running back and forth to the post office