Elk are where you find them. No set distance to have in mind. If you find some right next to the highway, then hunt them (provided it's legal) because if you don't, someone will. There is no rule saying you have to kill one "5 miles back" as you often read here.
The most elk I've gotten into have all been within 1 mile of a busy county road or highway. Three years ago, I spent days glassing two herds that were never more than a mile from a very busy road, and never saw a single hunter chasing them. This was during bow season and I was scouting for ML season. Once ML season started, we were in those elk for 3 days before they moved to harder-to-reach places but even those weren't more than 2 miles in - just steeper.
My buddy killed his first bull less than 1/2 mi. from a 2-track road on BLM land, and that very morning I watched two legal bulls cross the gravel county road that led to our campsite in a wide open sage flat. Those two bulls could be seen for miles and there were no hunters around other than me, sitting there watching them with a cow tag in my pocket.
Just go, find elk, if you aren't in elk then move and if you kill one, then figure out how to deal with it. If you're reasonably intelligent, you will figure it out. As for supplies, even in the most remote parts of Colorado (I'm sure the AK guys laugh when they read that), you're never more than an hour from an outdoor store that will have whatever you need. So the biggest part is just getting in shape and then keeping a positive attitude. The rest will follow.