New Mexico has no point system but has horrible odds. Private land are OTC but it's tough to find permission without cash. I've drawn one NM tag, first time applying had 2% odds, great hunt. Haven't drawn since.
Like already stated 2 points in Wyoming could probably get you a tag in a low tier unit, may take special though.
Arizona has horrible odds plus I hear the antelope are declining.
I drew a muzzleloader (no scopes) tag in Colorado last year with 3 points. It was a pretty tough hunt, most of the bucks on public were pretty small.
My home state of Oklahoma has OTC archery and there is just a little public land. Tough hunt, let's just say it's not NM or WY. I have been putting in as a resident for years and still can't draw. I'm up into the teens with points.
If I'm not mistaken Nebraska has OTC archery, might be worth checking with a guide.
I don't have much info in other states.
Pronghorn hunting seemed to change about 10-12 years ago. I remember when I first started hunting them in 2014 I believe, you could buy a second buck tag in some units. All you had to do was call in and buy another. I remember there even being leftovers a few days into the rifle season.
You can still have a good hunt but it will cost you money. Hope I haven't told you wrong but this is how I see it.