Fire Starting Tools

What do you carry?

  • Bic (reg or mini)

    Votes: 16 20.3%
  • Bic and fire steel

    Votes: 24 30.4%
  • Bic and matches

    Votes: 12 15.2%
  • All three

    Votes: 22 27.8%
  • Other (post up and let us know)

    Votes: 5 6.3%

  • Total voters


Dec 3, 2017
So as the season draws closer I have been spending more time here and on other forums. I see a lot of guys that rely on the good old trusty bic lighter and far less with the fire steel or waterproof matches.

So what’s your go to? What do you pack?

We all agree the Bic is the cream of the crop for lighters but what about fire steel. They surly can’t all be created equal. So what’s your favorite or the best fire steel you guys have found?
I'm a bic (mini x2) and matches guy. I've never used the matches, but don't want to be SOL if I manage to get both lighters wet/broke.
I have a ferro rod or two and some lifeboat matches on me for emergencies. A couple of bics - one in the pocket and one with the stove - do most of the day-to-day. Cotton balls in Vaseline are usually along for the ride.
2-3 bics scatter in the bag/pockets.

firesteel would be a good idea for an extended period, where a bic could run out or malfunction, but odds of 2 bis failing on a 5 day trip are pretty low, plus you have the flint on the lighter to spark tinder if needed.

I like to carry a home made firestarter - eggcarton pod filled with lint soaked in parafin wax. It burns for 15min in any weather and doesn't weigh much.
2 mini-Bics, one in bino harness, one with my stove. Also carry a little trioxane in my harness. Sometimes in place of trioxane I'll have a big piece of pitch in a little plastic baggie. If I pass a lightning stricken tree that has oozed all its pitch to the outside I can't help but stop and grab a few of the big pieces.
Lighter and two trioxane tabs in hip belt. Small Light My Fire firesteel and 6 soaked cotton balls in pack.
Exotac for a fire steel, match case too and lighter cover. After using pyro putty I will never go back to any other material.
The Light my Fire steels are very nice. Water does not bother them and a strong spray if sparks. Will light a cotton ball and vasoline on the first strike.

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Magnesium fire starters! Just one will last forever & they're cheap. Takes a while to get good at using it, but definitely a good skill to have. My 2 cents.
All three. I keep a lighter handy and have never had it fail. But keep a dry pouch with matches and flint. It's light and you always want a back up to the back up. Also use trioxane for starting fires. Easy to light wet or dry, burns hot and a long time. Off the shelf fire starters suck in my opinion (Most, haven't tried them all).
I carry a exotac match safe in emergency pouch. A lighter stays in my pocket and I have exotac xl ferno rod on my knife sheath. All total they dont weight much at all and it gives me redundancy.
For fuel the pyro putty is excellent I dont plan on being without it