Finished Reading The Bible


I highly recommend you guys, Go to youtube and do Chuck Misslers Bible in 24 hours Bible study. 24 one hour lessons on a recap of the Bible and how all the books tie together. You’ll have an understanding like you never imagined possible. He also has every book, verse by verse commentary that is outstanding. By far the best thing I have ever done as a Christian.
When you discover that every letter of every word is there by design, 66 books pinned by 40 authors over a period of 2000 years all with an integrated message. It will change your reading and studying forever.

His specialty is eschatology (end time events) and there could not be a better use of all of our time then to do a deep dive into prophecy.
Imagine this, there is more written about the coming events than there is anything else in the Bible. When you think about that God held His own people responsible for not recognizing one specific prophecy given by Danial on the triumphal entry. Gabriel told Daniel that the interval between the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem until the presentation of the Messiah as King would be 173,880 days. He told them the exact day it would happen and they didn’t recognize it when it happened. Now think about how many more scriptures we have to decipher of things and events that are currently starting to happen and what we will may be held accountable for. It has really given me a since of urgency and some regret for years that I’ve wasted.

2nd edit: Our Lord is Jewish and while we are technically in the “fullness of the Gentiles” portion of history. All of the end time events will play out on the Jewish calendar with the various feast etc. Studying the Old Testament is a must if we are going to have any chance at understanding the coming events. I absolutely believe He is expecting us to try and gain an understanding of Jewish history and traditions. A quick example, the church being the bride of Christ parallels exactly how a tradition Jewish wedding was conducted.

“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.”
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Last night finally finished The Bible. I do not like reading books and it took a while but it's done...

That’s great man! Keep reading, use a journal for bookmarking. NIV is what I use mostly, it’s easier to read, props to you though for making it through reading KJV. Me personally the more I read the more the scriptures jump off the page at me, feeling my inner light bulb a little brighter each time.

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I like to read the Bible hard copy but for audio I like to listen to the Bible on

It has different versions of the Bible (NIV, KJV, etc.) comes in numerous languages, and when you click to listen you can choose which person is narrating. It's really awesome to choose the voice you like best.
Yes it was KJV also....

Next time spring for the Amplified or Youngs Literal Translation.

Amplified makes sure you know exactly what is being talked about
Youngs can be a bit difficult to read because of sentence structures in 18XX when it was translated but it does a great job at conveying a message
There is a website called that has a strongs option where you can see how specific words are used in different parts of the Bible as well as what the word means in Greek or Hebrew respectively. Research that used to take people days/weeks of research by cross referencing scripture with scripture and what the original text meant are just a couple clicks on a website now.
You guys might also want to do a “where our Bible came from study” I see NIV mentioned everywhere but that is the most corrupted version of our modern translated Bible. It was heavily influenced by Gnosticism with thousands of known errors, intent of removing the deity of Christ.
Not wanting to start an argument but we only read or have KJV in our house, extended family, or church. I am happy if anyone is doing anything to get a closer relationship to The Lord. It took me so long to read as I have a touch of OCD that when I would mess up reading I would start multiple verses back and re-read. I will say The Lord helped me and I only go one verse back now when I mess up or miss pronounce a word.

I try each morning to read in new testament and each night in old..dont ask why it's just how I's a daily walk that has made me a better husband, dad, and person in general.
Wow! That is cool. Think about how many different people contributed to that from so many places and times and cultures! I have learned both ancient Greek and Hebrew, and that makes it even more interesting, if you have the time!

Also, this is the first of a multi part YouTube series on Revelation by a guy who knows it really well and is good at teaching it:
Best thing to do when you finish reading the Bible is to read it again:) For the past few years, I've been following the "Bible-in-a-year" plan below, which includes 1-2 Old Testament chapters, 1 Psalm or Proverb, and 1 New Testament chapter each day. I've been reading the ESV but may try KJV next year.


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