Most people think Nightforce makes some of the best scopes out there.
Most also think Zeiss scopes are good.
Hello everyone! I have a Zeiss V4 6-24x50 and am all the sudden having tracking issues with it. I went to the range on Sunday and shot targets and silhouettes at 300 and 400 yards and everything went smoothly, even had a decent group at 300 yards. Then I went back out today, did everything the...
Some thing Swarovski scopes are good.
Having an issue with a new Z5. Scope operated fine out of the box. Decided to put new rings on and remount it. After bore sighting last night, I wanted to make a couple adjustments, and for some reason the elevation turret is completely stuck, as in it won't turn either way. This is both...
Vortex scope problem.
Have a Vortex 4-16x50 FFP EBR 1 Mrad scope. Mounted on a Savage .308 rifle. Shot last Saturday at Woody's. Scope performed great. Mrads in scope are very accurate associated with Hornady ballistic software from Hornady site. I had looked a lot, talked with the guys at Vortex in making my...
I could go on and on and on. Are all of these one offs ... I have to think so. I could be wrong. We also could just use iron sights, but maybe those have issues, too.