Fenn's Treasure

Apr 29, 2015
Littleton, CO
After reading about the 4th person to die looking for Fenn's treasure this week I got to thinking about it and have a few thoughts about it. Anyone on here ever gone out looking for it? Do you think it even exists?

I think the intention behind it to get people out and enjoying the outdoors is a noble one. The only downside is that the average treasure hunter probably isn't someone who has the outdoor skills to be getting too far off track or spending significant time in the woods. That being said, it should be pretty common sense that an 80 year old dude isn't going to be doing that either and he said he placed it himself, so people need to stop going to dangerous places looking for it.

Just some thoughts as I looked into it after not even having heard about it before this week.
I think it's out there. Thu guy certainly has the means to do so and he seems eclectic enough.

I haven't looked for it myself but I check Google every once in a while to see If anyone has found it.

I love the idea of it and I'm sure there have been lots of young boys and girls who get giddy with excitement when their parents tell them they are going on a "treasure hunt".
My dad looked for it for years, he still does occasionally but he’s 67 now. I remember Forrest fenn once saying that a few people have been within feet of it. I wonder if my dad was one of them.

My dad used to mail maps to him showing him routes he’d hiked looking but none of the replies he received had any sort of clues to it.

I think fenns intention was just to get people out exploring, for my dad that’s all it was, not money, just getting out and exploring areas, he used to have the office walls covered in maps with route he’d done, and copious notes about areas, backpacking gear everywhere, it was pretty cool. Now he mostly just does longer day hikes.
Id love to go looking for it. It's a pretty cool idea. Idk how much he claims it's worth but that's the last of my concerns.... I just wanna say I found it...
I have never looked for it, or even really looked into it at all. I have heard of it but that is it. Is there any commonly accepted areas its in like a state or region?
I meet the parent of one of the fatalities related to looking for Fenn's treasure. It was hard to get a good read on their opinion about it, just that they missed their son. If it's found I think it will be by accident... someone stumbling on it without knowing what it is.
Read about it. I think that if I found it, I would not publicize it. I would not want that target on my back.
I meet the parent of one of the fatalities related to looking for Fenn's treasure. It was hard to get a good read on their opinion about it, just that they missed their son. If it's found I think it will be by accident... someone stumbling on it without knowing what it is.

He has said that he doesn't think it will be found by accident. From what I have read it seems to be off trail by about 3-500 yards. I can't tell if it's buried or not, but based on some of his comments it doesn't seem like it is.
My dad looked for it for years, he still does occasionally but he’s 67 now. I remember Forrest fenn once saying that a few people have been within feet of it. I wonder if my dad was one of them.

My dad used to mail maps to him showing him routes he’d hiked looking but none of the replies he received had any sort of clues to it.

I think fenns intention was just to get people out exploring, for my dad that’s all it was, not money, just getting out and exploring areas, he used to have the office walls covered in maps with route he’d done, and copious notes about areas, backpacking gear everywhere, it was pretty cool. Now he mostly just does longer day hikes.

Is your father of the opinion that it's in NM? This seems to be the consensus but I'm not so sure. Based on my short research I think that I have a place narrowed down in CO that seems to fit the first 4 clues to a T, but it could just be naivete of just having learned of the treasure and forcing the clues to fit. It would be nice to bounce the location off of someone with more experience and has spent a lot more time than I thinking about the puzzle.
I met a really weird guy at a remote trailhead in Southern CO. He was just chillin in his car the entire time we were loading up. I finally went up to him and asked if he needed anything, he replied no, then told me he was treasure hunting. I had never heard of Fenn before. Maybe thats what he was going after. I just thought he was a looney tune. Interestingly 9 days later when we were coming out- he was still there- chillin in his car.

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Based on my 10 minutes of studying it, I think it looks like it’s in a rover/creek that you’ll need a kayak to access, maybe in a foot or two of water.

First trip is to drop the kayak in the water.

Second is to go back to get the treasure and box.

Paddle downstream.

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Based on my 10 minutes of studying it, I think it looks like it’s in a rover/creek that you’ll need a kayak to access, maybe in a foot or two of water.

First trip is to drop the kayak in the water.

Second is to go back to get the treasure and box.

Paddle downstream.

In some interviews he has made it sound like he walked there from his car. It took him (a 70yo man at the time) 2 trips from the car and approx 2 hours. That being said, I agree that some of the hints refer to a river and an area where people raft or kayak.
In some interviews he has made it sound like he walked there from his car. It took him (a 70yo man at the time) 2 trips from the car and approx 2 hours. That being said, I agree that some of the hints refer to a river and an area where people raft or kayak.

I wonder what the "too far to walk" means then?

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Its near a spring head that flows to a waterfall with brown trout, and it is buried under the water. If you will go down, you'll be glad you did. I'm going to go get it tomorrow, I know right where it is.
I wonder what the "too far to walk" means then?

Probably too far to walk from the initial reference point; probably downriver but most places have highways that parallel most rivers even if they aren't right net to them. I believe the "put in below the home of Brown" is referring to some sort of rafting put in.
The original poem is part of it but buying his books is supposed to Give you more clues. Only like $50 a book I think....

Good way to sell books!

I'd go to Fenn show him I found it, have the word spread it was found so people quit looking and that's it...