Favorite place in Wyoming.

Wyoming might be going through it's biggest bust soon with mineral/gas/oil extraction going away or at least being severely restricted. Not much else to finance the state... Times are definitely changing.

It (oil/gas) will come back. America has no choice.

Looking at Casper myself in the not to distant future.
Lots of people from CA moving to Buffalo/Sheridan according to my buddy there (who moved from CA :LOL: ). Nice areas though. Laramie and Star Valley are within 2 hours (approximately) of major airports if that's a benefit.
I have always wanted to live in Buffalo or Sheridan. I love the big horns, don't have to worry about grizzly bears or wolves yet. Seems to be less windy than other parts of the state and from my limited experience they seem like great towns.
My wife and I both have work from home jobs and can live wherever there is a good internet connection. We currently live in the Portland Oregon metro and had already decided to relocate before all of the riots started (Got my car stolen during the riots which help to cement the decision). We have spent the last 3 years looking around MT, ID, and WY.

With Regard to Wyoming:
Cody - Really nice but turns into a zoo in the summer. Buffalo Bill Reservoir was kind of ugly to me (my wife loved it). Love the conservative cowboy feel that exists through out the town. Democrats are on the endangered species list in that area. The National Forest and designated Wilderness in "Yellowstone Country" provide good opportunities for elk and mule deer.

Jackson Hole - Spent some time there. Too expensive and too much of a tourist attraction.

Pinedale - We loved it. My wife hit if off with the local towns folk and did not want to leave (had to force her into the truck when it came time to go home), but the HIGH elevation can produce severe winters. One of the colder places to live in WY. The Wind River range is some of the best summer backpacking and fishing that can be found. Two pound trout are in the alpine lakes just waiting for you.

Buffalo - My wife and I fly into Denver the first week in March and are renting a car and driving to Buffalo. We will then spend 5 days looking around that area. We have very high hopes.

Lander - Will probably drive to Lander this summer and look around.
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Pinedale, Lander, Cody. Probably in that order. I wouldn’t do eastern WY personally. I can’t stand all that wind, and the roads are closed half the time in winter.

So to be clear Sheridan and Buffalo are eastern Wyoming and the wind is much less than many places in Wyoming (including Cody)
In the same boat as decided to retire early and raise my son out of this place. I love buffalo but concerned about the current situation. Good friend in Kemmerer works in the mine near there and they were looking at furloughs even 3 years ago!! So very concerning and health care is 30% higher then MT. We have actually started really looking at Helena while I didn't want that big of a town needed to focus on good schools to go with the hunting and fishing opportunities and to top it off he can still play baseball as Helena seems to have a good program. But Man I love WY!!! Still can't decide as I know nothing about MT for hunting been spending most my time in WY sad to see what's happening. Hope the leadership there can find a solution.
I retired from the military 20 years ago and probably 3 years from true retirement. Spend as much time as I can out west. Lived in Grand Junction, CO for several years and loved it.....cant stand the front range.

Been through the boom/bust oil/gas cycle.

WY looking better and better. I hate to wish ill on anyone, but if the oil/gas industry contracts pushing housing prices down a bit, I may be doing some serious looking.
I would avoid Cheyenne, Laramie, and Jackson. Thermopolis, Buffalo, and Sheridan would be in my top 5.
You want to come over and try to find all the pieces for my kids playhouse and try to put it back together? :). Step2 doesn't make stuff like they used to. Haha.

I read this to my wife we both laughed pretty hard.

Pinedale keeps sounding better. I live in northern Michigan right now and it gets pretty damn cold in the winter. More snow would be a good thing for us. The only negative to that area for me would be distance to an airport to travel for work. While I get paid for travel time it is just that many more hours behind a wheel.

We were looking at Montana but wife doesn’t want to live that far north. Being able to head down to Arizona in the winter easier and explore some of the dessert area in Utah are bonuses for her. So that and more affordable housing (plus great hunting) leads us to Wyoming.

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I read this to my wife we both laughed pretty hard.

Pinedale keeps sounding better. I live in northern Michigan right now and it gets pretty damn cold in the winter. More snow would be a good thing for us. The only negative to that area for me would be distance to an airport to travel for work. While I get paid for travel time it is just that many more hours behind a wheel.

We were looking at Montana but wife doesn’t want to live that far north. Being able to head down to Arizona in the winter easier and explore some of the dessert area in Utah are bonuses for her. So that and more affordable housing (plus great hunting) leads us to Wyoming.

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Pinedale winters might make Montana seem downright balmy.

Nobody actually lives in Thermopolis.
Well if Buffalo is less windy, I would hate to experience the rest of the state! Been going to Buffalo for 24 years... wife grew up there. We are currently building our house there, but DANGGG it is windy! Had shingles put on our new build three weeks ago. Had shingles re-installed on it two weeks ago! We hike, scout and flyfish there every summer and I do a hunt there every fall. I can say that most trips we experience winds like we never see in Missouri! Wind in 70 degree temps is one thing, but 65 mph wind in 8 degree temps is a whole new invigorating experience! 🥴 Had 85 mph sustained winds and gusts over 100 mph a few weeks ago. Not uncommon to see 65 mph winds there.
Wen we do go out, we normally spend 2+weeks there. Wife is already living there... had to start her job. I have 40 days to finish packing and make the move. Hoping for decent weather for the move, but March is full of surprises. Not much you can do when they shut the highways down.
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^^ Yup. White knuckle driving when wind blows a semi out of its lane. Once saw four or five semis blown off road outside of Gillette during the start of a snow storm. Nobody could see the road. Good old days before rumble strips on the highway.