Favorite overall Suppressor

I don't have experience with different brands, but I like the tbac ultra 7. I bought mine at Scheels and wouldn't hesitate to buy from them again.
I believe that's correct but they only offer a traditional NFA Trust, not a separate trust per NFA item like Silencershop. I suppose you could buy a new trust each time you buy another item, then it's just a difference between a $79 trust vs a $25 single shot trust.

So, yes.

The issue with a traditional trust is when you go to buy any subsequent items, everyone who you've added to your trust has to submit fingerprints & photos. It's way cleaner for each item to have its own separate trust.

PS- any lawyers or otherwise smart people feel free to correct me.
You can add/remove trustees as often as you need. Remove all trustees that were added after purchase of the first NFA item, purchase the new item with only you listed on the trust, and then add trustees back.
https://pewscience.com/rankings a great resource. I'm also researching for my first suppressor and looking to find a .30cal can with minimal first round pop (FRP), < 8", with best suppression possible. Top suppression for the caliber in bolt action category seems to be the PTR Vent 1 and CAT JL at the moment. He doesn't have reviews for every can though, so still do your research. Thunderbeast has their annual silencer summit as well which is good for cross referencing with pew science.

Really an awesome time to have the options we have and emerging standardized methods for evaluating performance and letting the buyer pick the can based on preferences (suppression, material, length, weight, etc). Always gonna be compromises.
Any opinions out there on the Huxwrx Flow line?
These are primarily gas gun cans with flow through design, lower back pressure for service rifles. Less suppression all the way around. But also less dicking with an adjustable gas block or buffer weight/spring combos. Some manufacturers like deadair, offer flow through caps that reduce psi, once again at the increase of Db unfortunately.
These are primarily gas gun cans with flow through design, lower back pressure for service rifles. Less suppression all the way around. But also less dicking with an adjustable gas block or buffer weight/spring combos. Some manufacturers like deadair, offer flow through caps that reduce psi, once again at the increase of Db unfortunately.
He is correct. While they are definitely better than bare muzzle, at the shooters ear with an 11" barrel, you still need to wear earpro.
Best silencer is subjective to what you're looking for, and what you use. I would say Osprey but that doesn't fit your criteria because it's a pistole calibre rated can and you're looking for a .30 cal can. Since you want compactness, heat signature, and sound suppression, that kinda rips you into three corners, and two of them are opposite sides of the room.

I find Resonator R2 from YHM good for sound tone, but with the supplied mount it runs a bit long.

Sandman is great for lower gas blowback especially for 5.56 setups, but the mount is said to be old fashioned, contrasting newer QD mounts with taper, low profile, and weight savings.

As much as an asshole the owner of Q is, their cans and mounts have a relatively good standing.
Rugged is heavy as **** but doesn't have a barrel restriction, and is very much a rugged line of cans.

Gemtech does good weight savings, but I don't much favor their sub-par suppression levels.

Each of these opinions are just opinions and can be taken as each a grain of salt. Enough opinions in one place makes people salty, anyway.
What's a good suppressor for an SBR Ar-15? The 223 thread has me thinking about setting up a 7.5 or 8.5 inch barrel 5.56 and putting a suppressor on it and shooting 77grain tmks for a treestand inside 100 yards gun. I was eyeing the dead air nomad 30 because of no barrel restrictions, but yal know way more about this subject than I do.
These are primarily gas gun cans with flow through design, lower back pressure for service rifles. Less suppression all the way around. But also less dicking with an adjustable gas block or buffer weight/spring combos. Some manufacturers like deadair, offer flow through caps that reduce psi, once again at the increase of Db unfortunately.
He is correct. While they are definitely better than bare muzzle, at the shooters ear with an 11" barrel, you still need to wear earpro.
Thanks guys. Interesting. The guy at a small local shop recommended it to me as one of the best in terms of pure sound reduction on a hunting rifle. Maybe I need to find a different shop…
As far as mitigating gas blowback on AR's, they are awesome.
Yeah I read they were designed for ARs, but I specifically told him bolt rifle (30-06), and he still insisted that was where I needed to be regardless.
Yeah I read they were designed for ARs, but I specifically told him bolt rifle (30-06), and he still insisted that was where I needed to be regardless.
Flow throughly/low back pressure designs are unnecessary for a bolt gun and louder than traditional baffle stack.