Favorite non hunting related YouTube channels

There's a couple different guys that go around magnet fishing, the kids and I get a kick out of the crazy stuff they find
It kind of changes with the season and what I'm up to at the moment. Here are a few I watch.

Smoking and Grilling with AB
Kent Rollins - cooking
Enes Yilmazer - house reviews
Mr. Beast - stupid funny crap
Best Ever Food Review Show - funny food stuff
Mark Weins - food review
Connor Ward - funny lawn crap
Charles Dowding - British Gardner
Georgy Kavkaz - badass Russian cooking
Mike Day - concrete stuff
The list goes on and on but here are some of my favorites.

As you can see we don't really watch anything but YouTube. We dumped everything but YouTube premium and Amazon prime 🙄.

What does YouTube premium get you?

Amazon, Netflix and YT make up 90% of what we view.
I usually only use YouTube to learn how to fix something or laugh.

Joey Diaz - prob the funniest dude in the world, so any clips w/ his name attached.

Khalid Attaf owns a corner store in the hood and messes w/ customers. He's probably gonna get murdered one day.

Just rolled in - the cars of stupid people

Maybe some failarmy or streetbeefs
What does YouTube premium get you?

Amazon, Netflix and YT make up 90% of what we view.
It's commercial free. We actually got it cause they'd show previews of the next horror movie while the kids were watching Blippi. Its really nice not having commercials.
We got rid of Netflix a couple months ago. We never really watched anything on it anymore.
Lately, mine are all Motocross. Got a YZ250F back in January after not racing since 2002. Its been great to get back into riding. Mostly after work on the track i built behind the house. Great workout too. I have used Youtube to shorten the curve on getting back my original skillset from the 90's.
Everyone should spend a little time on Just Rolled In.

Life is so hard for some people.
Biographics, mega projects any of that guys YouTube channels are fantastic.


Pat mcafee show

9 holes reviews for gun content

Any of the channels that do interviews with veterans

There is one channel that has audiobooks of old safari/teddy roosevelt/Jim Corbett hunting books that is fantastic
Kusk Bushscraft, Brad Owen (poker), Brett Kollmann (football), The Armchair Historian, The Operations Room, Cover 3 Podcast, Bussin With the Boys, T-Rex Arms
Regular Car Reviews
Hoovies Garage
Doug DeMuro
Donut Media
My Classic CarTV
jay leno's garage
Paul Harrell
9Hole Reviews
Forgotten Weapons
Townsends (recreates meals and lifestyle from the 18th century America, in period dress)
meals by Cug (loud and mouthy new yorker cooking italo-american food)
HowTo BBQ Right
pepperbellypete (Texas BBQ)
Angry Cops
Mandatory Funday
Project Farm (best YT channel for fair and realistic comparison of DIY/ mechanical project parts. i.e who makes the best sparkplug, who has the best motor oil, who makes the best needlenose pliers, etc.
Tod's workshop (master blacksmith and armorer makes and tests period correct medieval weaponry)
Shawn Woods (collector and tester of obscure mousetraps)
Niko Schirmer- one of the most insane big mountain skiers I've ever seen, his videos are mindblowing.

Lost Lakes- just a cool laid back dude canoeing all over Ontario, reminds me of where I grew up
I was gonna suggest Simple living Alaska but you already listed it..

Northern Scavenger has some pretty epic Canoe trips in awesome Country!

Jay Siemens for fishing related Stuff..
Jay and of course Uncut Angling...best 2 fishing channels out there imho!
I like watching videos of the pedophiles getting caught trying to meet kids in public. Skeeter Mills I believe is the one guys name that has a channel. Of course there's always the classics from Chris Hansen as well.
Third coast craftsman
Samurai carpenter
Sam the cooking guy
Northmen guild
Washington gun law
Modern day sniper
Cowboy Kent Rollins
Essential craftsman
TFL truck