Favorite horror movies

Picture this. Jet black Missouri woods, early morning turkey hunt. Night before I had watched a special on MoMo, the Missouri Monster ( Missouri’s Bigfoot). Absolutely dead quiet as I creep along. All I can hear is my own breathing and footsteps. Then…..a whippoorwill goes off not 10 feet from me!! Gun goes straight up! Seat flies off to the side! I HAD to have gone 6 feet up in the air!! I really don’t know how long I sat there just trying to breathe.

That was in 1975 while I was stationed at Ft Leonard Wood. I am still not right to this day.

Good story, hadn't heard of Momo the Missouri Bigfoot before. I find the various regional monikers for Bigfoot hilarious though. My favorite is the Ohio Grassman. It sounds like the name of the sketchy weed dealer you might have used back in College or something.
The original Friday the 13th. But I'm biased because I grew up in the town the movie was shot in.

Also all of the halloween movies except #3
Texas chainsaw Massacre
Insidious series
The omen