Favorite horror movies

I have never seen a horror movie. I was raised to not invite evil into your house.
The only movies I’ve seen with the boogie man is John wick
Probably not considered horror movies by most, but

Army of Darkness
Ash vs Evil Dead

They’re fun.
I never understood the release of horror movies at Christmas. It's like spitting in the face of God.
Just saw the new Nosferatu. Beautiful atmospheric cinematography, but somehow the film made me unable to care about the characters. Since I didn’t care about them, I was never scared on their behalf. It was an emotionally detached exercise in adapting 19th century fiction. The only thing I really felt was disgust, because some of the scenes were so violent and or gross. The sepulchral voice of the title character was extremely creepy, but so hard to understand I missed about a third of his dialogue.
More of a zombie flick guy myself, so the 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks later movies were great. New one coming out looks meh, but will likely see it in the theatre.

Silence of the Lambs
Shaun of the Dead (comedy, but a bit gory)
Could be VERY wrong, but I got the impression from the trailer that Skeleton Man might actually be a good guy( ? ).
The Skeleton Man is supposedly an ancient Indian spirit that's out for revenge on behalf of his ancestors so it depends on how you look at it I guess. Regardless, it's easily one of the greatest B horror films of all time.
Motel Hell?

That’s it! :D

More of a sci-fi thriller type a guy. I suppose they could be considered horror.
Stranger Things
Ad Aster
The Abyss
I have 2 kids so I only watch like 3 sci-fi movies a year.
Especially if there are screech owls around. Those things have scared the bejeebers out of me numerous times. One lit off on me a couple years ago right above me in MO and I just about vapor locked. I'd probably take the horror movie over that.
Grouse in the dark when sneaking into your hide for the day they start at your feet and you can count the wing beats straight up your chest and past your head.
Grouse in the dark when sneaking into your hide for the day they start at your feet and you can count the wing beats straight up your chest and past your head.
Picture this. Jet black Missouri woods, early morning turkey hunt. Night before I had watched a special on MoMo, the Missouri Monster ( Missouri’s Bigfoot). Absolutely dead quiet as I creep along. All I can hear is my own breathing and footsteps. Then…..a whippoorwill goes off not 10 feet from me!! Gun goes straight up! Seat flies off to the side! I HAD to have gone 6 feet up in the air!! I really don’t know how long I sat there just trying to breathe.

That was in 1975 while I was stationed at Ft Leonard Wood. I am still not right to this day.
An American Werewolf In London
The Howling
Cabin in the Woods
Altered States