Favorite horror movies

I'm always looking for something interesting in the horror genre to watch in my limited spare time. I put a some lists of my favorites and wanted to hear what others thought.

My modern favorites:
Hereditary (After seeing this one, nothing else seems to really get my blood pumping)
The Lodge
The Conjuring

My classic favorites: (Tried not making them all Stephen King)
The Shining
Pet Semetary (1989)
The Exorcist

Fun, but not necessarily horror:
Get Out
Talk To Me
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
It Follows
House of 1000 Corpses
Aliens, the thing, jaws, silence of the lambs. No a big horror movie fan.
Phantasm. Saw it and the fog at the drive in when I was like 9. Made an impression.

The MOTW episodes of the X files were usually pretty good as well.
Seeing this is a hunting forum, everyone should check out Calibre. Hunt that goes way awry!
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Haven't watched any of this stuff in many, many years. When walking in the dark in the woods it's the last thing I want to think about.
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I'm always looking for something interesting in the horror genre to watch in my limited spare time. I put a some lists of my favorites and wanted to hear what others thought.

My modern favorites:
Hereditary (After seeing this one, nothing else seems to really get my blood pumping)
The Lodge
The Conjuring

My classic favorites: (Tried not making them all Stephen King)
The Shining
Pet Semetary (1989)
The Exorcist

Fun, but not necessarily horror:
Get Out
Talk To Me
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
It Follows
House of 1000 Corpses
The original black and white Night of the Living Dead is my all-time favorite!
I really liked “the grudge” (2004). But I just looked up some reviews and they said it was terrible. Screw the critics, I liked it. Couple scenes scared the bejebus out of me tho….
Since most the classics have already been mentioned, I’ll toss in a hilarious horror flick…

Club Dread
Those Terrifier movies will make you throw up in your mouth. Our society raises the bar so often we are desensitized.
There are some good ones here, but I’m a bit surprised the sleeper, Hell House LLC hasn’t been mentioned yet.

Give it a shot.
Anyone remember one where teenagers get in some kind of wreck (way out in the boonies) and end up at "butcher's shop" that sells famous sausages? You can guess the secret ingredient :D
Amen, my friend! Walking in the woods in the dark could qualify as a creep show on its own!
Especially if there are screech owls around. Those things have scared the bejeebers out of me numerous times. One lit off on me a couple years ago right above me in MO and I just about vapor locked. I'd probably take the horror movie over that.