Favorite deerstand?

My favorite is my LW sit and climb. I have a lock on but I think the climber is way easier if the trees are good. I hunt public in PA and generally pack my stand in every time. It's rare that I can't find a tree for the climber. I think the stand is 22 lbs which works out to about the same as my lock on with the steps.
My all time favorite has gotta be a millennium m100… they are almost to comfortable but I’d love to get one for a good pinch point for those long rut sits. I just ordered a LWCG .75 to hunt more mobile (a day before the xop cold world went on sale for stupid cheap of course) so I’ll likely be using that a lot with tethrd one sticks. For the price, I hope that becomes my favorite stand, hahaha

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Beast Stand hands down

I’ve owned or tried every other brand (other than LWCG) and the Beast stand has been my favorite hands down.

Novix helo with the millennium seat upgrade, 3-4 beast sticks. That seat is absolutely worth every penny

When hunting private I also like to set a few of just the double step stick ladders. (~$100 each) and I can just hang my stand when the wind is right for that spot
I’ve got 3 of the very comfortable Millenium 150 for hang ons. For climbers, a Summit or Lone Wolf Alpha Hand Climber, depending on terrain( would I rather carry 13 lb or 20?)
I've switched to saddle hunting but we have one ladder stand and its the best one we've ever had. Its a LOCKDOWN brand 2 person stand. The self raising feature is oversold tho. I got it up the first time but the second time I dropped it and used an excavator to hang it.
Tree saddle. Big Bob 1 stick and Bullman ROS on long walks in. I sill use sticks and the ROS in some areas. Depending on the trees. But, a Bullman ROS goes on ever time I setup. Regardless of what method I use to get up the tree.
So I got the LWCG .75 paired up with tethrd one sticks and it’s been awesome (just took it out for first time). I am modifying the tethrd sticks because those pegs that hold em together are trash. Someone sells a 3d printed clip that has great reviews. So doing that and adding a the aider holder system. I customized my aiders to make em stiffer as they sketch me out and I’m not a fan of em 15’+ in the air. I’m using a step aider customized with pipe insulation and camo tape over it on bottom stick and then a single step aider with a small pvc pipe wrapped in camo tape for next stick up. All together I can reach around 17-18’ and I’m good with that. I added the lwcg bow holder and a small pack for under the seat off amazon. My xop pack clips (the shoulder straps unbuckle) right on to the back of the stand so it’s really a great setup. Still gonna use the xop vanish for going higher up or all day rut sits (it’s a tad more comfortable and larger platform but twice the weight as the lwcg). For rifle I’ll use the summit climber plenty. They don’t sell this one anymore but it’s insanely lightweight but almost to light. It becomes sketchy climbing up high with it because it can kick out easier because lack of weight on it so I added the tightening straps & it’s made a huge difference feeling secure to the tree. The straps, back pad, net seat,(hazmore seat I think it’s called) & bow holder were all added. It needs some stealth strips but it’s otherwise the best climber I’ve used and sub 15lbs. Sorry for long post but I’m a gear freak and love customizing my stuff to make it the best it can be.

For Archery I’m running a Millennium M7 with Hawk Helium sticks. I love the M7 but not a fan of the Hawk sticks since the suction cup system for carrying is absolutely horrendous when it comes to taking them apart, I plan on getting new sticks for next season.
Lone wolf alpha 2 has been my stand of choice the last 10 years. Tons of sucess out of that sit form 80 degree days all the way to -30 in a late season hunt a few years ago. Stand is solid and has never let me down. I can get into trees that I dont think you could get into with most other stands.

That being said I think I will be trying a LWCG .5 or the new ranger hybrid with the new 2 step micros just so I can cut some weight on my longer walk in hunts.
I’m an old man and have had one too many bad encounters with hang on stands. Primal or X Stands ladder stands are my favorites.

I have a nice x stand ladder stand but have yet to set it up (it’s a two man ladder and super heavy). They definitely seem really safe and I like how it latches to the tree before you climb up to ratchet it down.

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Ladder or climber or shooting house for me.

I have had climbing sticks shift on me and that’s not a fun feeling. Dont like stepping off the sticks on to a lockon. So i sold my sticks and stand and got a summit climber - feel secure in it.
I have a nice x stand ladder stand but have yet to set it up (it’s a two man ladder and super heavy). They definitely seem really safe and I like how it latches to the tree before you climb up to ratchet it down.

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Ive had a x stand duke that I've had about 7 years. 2nd tree its in and I love it. However they had failures and got sued out of business. Sounds like some of the ladder tubes would fold in half if they weren't straight. Be careful when you set it up.
I never liked moving from sticks to a lock on. Or found sticks ideal to climb. Ive also had trouble getting them straight if the tree wasnt straight. Climbers are comfy but finding the right tree has always been hard for me. If you find the right tree I like that I can spin around them somewhat to help hunt the wind better. Ladder stands have always been easiest to find a good tree and feel good to me. A sling seat is waaaayyyy more comfy for long sits than a metal seat with a pad in any type of stand.
My opinion only so take it for what you paid for it. I have a fair amount of stands and consider them situational. Each one has a purpose and a “best” application. Early season bow hunting on public is light weight hang on’s with sticks . Private ground bow hunting are a mix of climbers and hang on’s. Late season firearm is ladder stands. Extremely late season in the snow and wind box blinds are pretty sweet at stopping the wind and keeping you out in the field . I hunt dark to dark and don’t come out mid day so comfort plays a big role in brand selection. There’s an azz for every seat so I won’t get into specific brands because everyone’s budget is different. Buy once cry once and acquire them over time they’re not gonna go bad. I’ve got a couple of $100 ladder stands that have been in the woods permanently for 15 years that are still going strong, hang on’s 2 decades old, and a couple of climber stands that are the newest additions at about 8yo.