Favorite/best headlamp?

Since this is back up, I'll give some props on the Sofirn. I'm the OP from when the thread started and I ended up going with a couple of the Sofirns that were recommended. One I use throughout the year, mainly after time change, putting out hay, feeding stock, etc. This time of year it gets used every day. Still using the same battery. It's really been great.

The second I use from Oct through Feb during hunting season. It's been great as well for walking in before light, out after dark, and field processing after dark. Still using the same battery. I really like the red light and "memory" of the last intensity setting when I turn it on.

It's not small and it's not light, but it's neither big enough nor heavy enough to make me complain. If I were doing it over again, I'd order it again.
Got my Sofirns delivered a few days ago. I've taken them on some evening runs and have been really impressed with their stability. They stay put, no loosening or sliding off my forehead, which is important because I mountain bike into some of my hunting spots. The lights are awesome too, quite a step up from my BD. Looking forward to the extended battery life in the 18650. I grabbed some spares too to keep in the pack.
Another pleasantly surprised new owner of Sofirn headlamps, based on recommendations in this post. Ordered an H25S for general use, and the H35B for its power + red light for hunting, fishing, camping. Received this week and find their quality and brightness to be impressive for their price. Not UL but I don't see the size/weight being a problem at all for my uses, and for ~$20 they seem like tremendous value. Hopefully they hold up. Going to pick up a few extra 18650 cells which should make for a solid multi-day light away from power sources.
Ya none of these are going to last super long on the highest power, but I don't typically need that much light for long periods of time. My 18650 Zebra will go a lot longer at 400 lumens than any AA powered headlamp I've ever tried at that same output. That said, I've also found there are big differences in the 18650 battery quality. Better batteries last much longer. With typical use at moderate light output I can easily go an entire weeks backpack trip with the Zebra and know I'll have plenty of juice to spare. Save the high settings for when you really need it in short spurts and it will last a long time.

I'll agree with you wholeheartedly on the adjustable beam. Most of the time I want a floody beam pattern, but I don't want to carry an extra light just for when I want some throw. So I either have a floody light and miss out on the throw when I want it or I pick the standard beam pattern and live with a hot spot I don't need or want most of the time. I have an Ultraspire running lamp (waist mounted) that also uses an 18650 battery and I can move back and forth between flood and spot with a quick twist on the lens housing. I really wish Zebra would incorporate that feature. The flood and spot might not be as totally uniform, but I'll gladly take that flexibility over having to choose one for all situations.

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Do you know if Zebralight currently makes an 18650 headlamp with a red light feature? Their website says they have a AA headlamp with red light. I don't understand why more 18650 headlamps don't have red light, along with this flood to spot feature you speak of. On this note, do you know of any headlamps out there that do have the red light feature other than Peax and Sofirn?
Do you know if Zebralight currently makes an 18650 headlamp with a red light feature? Their website says they have a AA headlamp with red light. I don't understand why more 18650 headlamps don't have red light, along with this flood to spot feature you speak of. On this note, do you know of any headlamps out there that do have the red light feature other than Peax and Sofirn?
I don't believe Zebralight makes an 18650 red light. I've heard of people making, or perhaps even buying, a red filter to put on them. I haven't looked into it much though. Aside from their AA red light I don't know of another red option from Zebra. The red Zebra isn't just a red lens, it's actually a red light and is pretty impressive as far as output, I just hate that it's AA.

As far as other brands, I know Fenix makes several models with red beams. I believe Armytek makes some as well. As mentioned, Peax and Sofirn both do as well. I'm sure there are others using 18650 batteries and red lights too, but right there you have 4 brands as options.

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I don't believe Zebralight makes an 18650 red light. I've heard of people making, or perhaps even buying, a red filter to put on them. I haven't looked into it much though. Aside from their AA red light I don't know of another red option from Zebra. The red Zebra isn't just a red lens, it's actually a red light and is pretty impressive as far as output, I just hate that it's AA.

As far as other brands, I know Fenix makes several models with red beams. I believe Armytek makes some as well. As mentioned, Peax and Sofirn both do as well. I'm sure there are others using 18650 batteries and red lights too, but right there you have 4 brands as options.

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That Fenix HM61R does look good at 5.36 oz., which includes headband and battery. Also has lockout.
Interesting you mention Armytek. I've owned an Armytek C2 for three years and love it. I mainly use it for car camping and night diving. I want to say that, when I bought it 3 years ago, it had the best waterproof rating of any of the 18650 headlamps: 10 meter depths for up to 5 hours. Legit. It hasn't failed me in the saltwater shallows in all this time.
But here I am perusing Armytek's site for the first time in three years and you're right, They have a "WR" model C2 out now, which features up to a 230 lumen red light. Surprisingly, this model weighs in at 65 gm without the battery (and I assume the headband?)... which is less than the Peax Duo at 79 gm without the battery (and I assume the headband?) as well as the Sofirn D25LR at 80 gm without battery (and I assume the headband?) It does weigh 1.2 oz. more than the Zebralight 18650 models with battery and headband (4.4 oz.), so there's that. I see why Zebralights are so desirable.
I don't understand why Armytek is not discussed more for backcountry use. Its less than the Peax and Sofirn at 1100 lumens, which in my opinion is sufficient for backcountry use. It also has a no-hassle 10 year warranty and tough all-aluminum housing. I don't think it has a buck-driver feature or a lock mode (like the Peax).

Pertaining to those who require red light... and aside from those absent features just mentioned, are there any missing features about the Armytek WR that you'd consider deal breakers for backcountry use?

I don't believe Zebralight makes an 18650 red light. I've heard of people making, or perhaps even buying, a red filter to put on them. I haven't looked into it much though. Aside from their AA red light I don't know of another red option from Zebra. The red Zebra isn't just a red lens, it's actually a red light and is pretty impressive as far as output, I just hate that it's AA.

As far as other brands, I know Fenix makes several models with red beams. I believe Armytek makes some as well. As mentioned, Peax and Sofirn both do as well. I'm sure there are others using 18650 batteries and red lights too, but right there you have 4 brands as options.

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I just received my Zebralight H600fc. Which exact battery do you recommend for it? And which charger cord do you recommend for the backcountry?
I just received my Zebralight H600fc. Which exact battery do you recommend for it? And which charger cord do you recommend for the backcountry?

I’m using the Molicel M35A which has a slightly better cold weather rating. The Panasonic/Sanyo NCR18650GA recommended by Zebralight worked as well.