Favorite .270 Winchester Bullet Type/Weight

130gr Hornady Interlock and 130gr Nosler AB. Both are my go to round for most of my hunting. Has been an excellent performer for me.

Very accurate bullets. Using IMR4350 shoots .303" @ 100 yrds and .909" @ 300 yrds. I have shot coyote, deer, antelope, elk, caribou, black bear, grizzly bear and sheep all one shot kills. Took 2 rounds each to kill 2 moose.
140 SST was my go to for many years in my 270. Shot really well in 3 different rifles and always put deer down quick with good blood trails.

Used Peterson brass, CCI 250 primers, and 4831 SC for the best results.

Just picked up a box of 160gr Partitions. What are the consensus on these?
You have a pet project/load for a specific hunt you are wanting to develop? They shoot well out of my .270 Win. Never used them on game, many more bullets in the 140/150 class that will fly flatter and kill game just as well.
You have a pet project/load for a specific hunt you are wanting to develop? They shoot well out of my .270 Win. Never used them on game, many more bullets in the 140/150 class that will fly flatter and kill game just as well.
No sir, just found them for cheap! Thought I might as well pick them up!
I am a component hoarder as well, I worked up a load for my 270 with the 160 gr. partitions, and still have a good portion of the box left.
I am a component hoarder as well, I worked up a load for my 270 with the 160 gr. partitions, and still have a good portion of the box left.
What powder are you using? I bought a couple boxes of 160 partitions years ago because they were on sale and have been debating using them or not.
I have always been a fan of the plain old 130-grain Sierra Gameking bullets. I bought something like 700 of them 25 years ago, but never got the chance to reload many of them. Now that I am no longer in the service, I have more time to hunt and shoot, so I plan on using them up and then investigating some of the all-copper options. I’ve also heard good things about the 150-grain bullets on elk, but I have never used them.

My dad and my brother used the old 110-grain varmint bullets to take an absurd number of deer over the years. Putting one of those just behind the shoulder was a good DRT shot. Then my brother missed slightly and put one into the shoulder AND his Model 54 jammed on the easy follow-up shot, resulting in a deer rodeo before he finally recovered it, so he relegated that cartridge and rifle combination to the back of the safe. If I didn’t already have two .270’s, I would probably try to rehabilitate it for him.

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I used an older (like 25 years ago) Accurate Arms power, "Magnum Rifle Powder". Got a bit over 2800 fps which is about what I get from the 22" bbl with 150 gr bullets. The 160 Partition is a semi-spitzer (which you know) and the bearing surface is on par with 150 gr bullets. I didn't have any pressure signs that I noted, but it was out of curiosity I loaded some up and never took any game with them.
Every gun is different. Between my boys and I, we have 5 270s. Everyone has their “best load”. However, the bullet that does good in all of them is the Sierra Gameking 140… Hornady 130 grain Interlock is another consistently good option.
Barnes 110 gr TSX or TTSX
This! A 110TTSX at just a shade over 3300fps out of my 24" barreled M700 shoots into tiny cloverleaves and is absolutely deadly on deer sized stuff. I waffle between that and the good ol' 130 Partitiion, but the Barnes has never let me down.