Family Trip to Montana during Bear Season


Apr 14, 2016
N. Colorado
Hey guys,

Wife and I ended up deciding a camping trip in Montana would be a good way to spend a weeks vacation. This trip is on the books for the 3rd week of May which is prime bear hunting dates as I understand it. If you had to manage family camping and hunting is there any areas you would lean over the others? We can do either off-grid or campgrounds but I want to be able to dedicate at least 4-5 days of the 9 day trip to hunting so that would be a priority. Maybe even drag the kiddos along if it isn't too rough. Willing to drag the ATV up if its worth it. Best case scenario would be kill a big boar on day one or two and spend the rest of the time overlanding and sight seeing.

Only passed through Montana once so I have no-idea on the "must-dos". We are coming from Colorado were we camp regularly through the summer but don't have any experience in Grizzly country.
I’d say Glacier but keep in mind the Going to the Sun road would still be locked out, don’t think it opens until Mid June or so. But that could put you within driving distance of the NW corner units, the Cabinet Mountains, etc. might not be ideal though as i would want more than 4 or 5 days up there, that’s BIG country.
I would say if your wife and kids are not like 100% pumped on bear hunting, I would skip the hunting and focus on family time. Go to Yellowstone, see the sights, relax with your family. And by 100% pumped, I mean, is this your idea or there’s?

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We home school so wanted to take an adventure before everyone and their kids was outside. I brought up bear hunting and family camping and the wife bit off on it. I’ve done a few elk hunts this way and while I’ve felt rushed, she’s not been too annoyed for me to try it again lol.
My suggestion would be to look at some imagery and figure out what area/range looks appealing to you and then plan out some fun adventures close by with the family. This order could easily be reversed. As far as “must do’s”, it’s a big state with lots of things to do. Maybe narrow down your area first and go from there
Seeley Lake area is the best you can bop to Glacier if you want, but stay out of the craziness and if the wife kids ect don't' want to just sit around camp there are lakes and various towns nearbyish that they can venture around.