On the hike back to the truck we decided to take a different route in an attempt to look over some spots we hadn't looked in before. We had just cut a fresh track and were kinda following it since it was headed the way we were going anyways. After following them for a couple hundred yards my buddy looks up and spots a 2 point standing there looking at us from about 400 yards away, we not so sneakily sneak in a little closer and start glassing to see if there were any other deer with him, we ended up turning up a few does and another little buck and figured there wouldn't be a big buck with the herd. Why did we figure that? I have no idea! Anyways we put our packs back on and start walking down the old trail when about 200 yards from where we had just looked I decide to look towards that little buck again and see a couple other does we couldn"t see from our previous location... I keep panning the hillside when I see deep forks! "There's a f*cking good buck laying there!" I loudly whisper to my buddy. Aftter taking my spotter out of my pack here's what I see...
After deciding he may be a shooter we sneak in a little closer to get a better look when the little buck gets a little edgy and starts making his way towards the bedded buck alerting several does in the process and getting them up on their feet. The bigger buck too is alerted and stands to his feet where I then took these pics...
Since the big buck and other does didn't know of our presence they put on a little show while my buddy and I tried to decide whether the deer was a shooter or not....
After watching them for some time he decided he wanted to keep looking although he loved the character on this buck's rack... I too quickly fell in love this buck, good forks tall and narrow, MY kinda deer! BUT it isn't my tag so I didn't try to pressure him into shooting if it wasn't what he wanted. So after a while the buck's does spotted us and slowly made their way over the hill and out of sight. So we pressed on to the rig and then to camp...

After deciding he may be a shooter we sneak in a little closer to get a better look when the little buck gets a little edgy and starts making his way towards the bedded buck alerting several does in the process and getting them up on their feet. The bigger buck too is alerted and stands to his feet where I then took these pics...
Since the big buck and other does didn't know of our presence they put on a little show while my buddy and I tried to decide whether the deer was a shooter or not....

After watching them for some time he decided he wanted to keep looking although he loved the character on this buck's rack... I too quickly fell in love this buck, good forks tall and narrow, MY kinda deer! BUT it isn't my tag so I didn't try to pressure him into shooting if it wasn't what he wanted. So after a while the buck's does spotted us and slowly made their way over the hill and out of sight. So we pressed on to the rig and then to camp...