FAMED unit 45 Idaho muzzy hunt...

Ya Nick, the tag he had ran from October 15-31 on the east side ONLY. And ya he had several chances at 170" deer but just couldn't make it happen on one of the 2 180"+ deer we seen...
I know this live hunt wasn't too good, but I'm hoping to do a Round 2 this season! Will keep you guys updated... :o
We'd love to see round 2! In the world of Live Hunts, you usually gotta try several times or more. This ain't the Outdoor channel you know :)
This is Idaho, right?

Just noticed the word "IDAHO" in the thread title. Jeeeez, what a blunder.
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That is true Robby, this definitely isn't the outdoor channel! 😜 Hoping for some better luck this go around! 👍🏽