Maybe try placing a metal screen or similar over the holes, then flood them. I have no idea of the legality of this, but I've heard that a rag soaked in gasoline and stuffed into the hole works for prairie dogs.We have a rat ir more that burrowed under our chicken coop. I had 2ftx2ft pavers down for the inside floor. Had tunnels all through it when my son and I ripped them up and got rid of all the chickens. Killed 2 that day and thought they were gone. Nope still digging holes under the shed where the pavers were. Have 6 snap traps out and a cage trap. Tried peanut butter, chicken food, dog food, bacon, cheese, just placing the traps at the holes and around the edges, and nothing has worked. I figured once I removed the food source they would move on. So I'm at a loss. Thinking about crushing up rat poison and putting the powder down where it likes to travel. That way it gets on its fur and feet. Then it will kick itself at some point and ingest the poison. Any other ideas?