Eye-Poppin' Good Time :)


Jun 12, 2020
When Yotes don't come in, it shifts to Ground Squirrels.

First one I took with my AR15, recently installed CMC Trigger upgrade. Sooo Nice and Light now!

So after seeing how the trigger works, went back to truck to switch over to the .22 LR to conserve valuable .223 ammo.

Headshot 60yds off the Kwik Stiks with the "Meh" Copper-22 ammo.
Now their marinading in the fridge.
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Hmmph... "Don't catch the plague". While I do know you're referring to Bubonic, since Ground Squirrels are thee major vector for it in SoCal.

Sheeeeiiiit... caught Rheumatic (Scarlet) Fever as a kid, with accompanying Jaundice. Didn't die. Caught Mono, then had a relapse around 17yo... again with Jaundice... didn't die. Got T-boned by a car on my moto at 17yo coming home from High school, didn't die. (Buncha crashes BMX/MTB/Moto in between...didn't die.) Caught COVID... a GNARLY freakin' case of it too! ...still... didn't need respirator... didn't die.

I kinda figured out a long time ago that I'm not meant to die young. The Universe ain't done messin' with me yet, wants me to suffer, wants to see how far it can push me before I quit. Well, I ain't quittin', especially not now with a boy in the picture.

Although I do appreciate somebody caring enough to show concern!

BTW... do you know WHY it's called "Bubonic" plague?
Dang G-Dog you sound like me. Multiple concussions, spinal injuries, more stitches than I can count, bit by copperhead, black widows and brown recluses. Staph infection, food poisoning, chicken pox, measles and an ex wife. Have one of them vaccination scars on my left shoulder that tells how long I've been around.

Now, tell me HOW Bubonic plague got its name.
Dang G-Dog you sound like me. Multiple concussions, spinal injuries, more stitches than I can count, bit by copperhead, black widows and brown recluses. Staph infection, food poisoning, chicken pox, measles and an ex wife. Have one of them vaccination scars on my left shoulder that tells how long I've been around.

Now, tell me HOW Bubonic plague got its name.
Hehe... try TWO Ex Wives (One by choice, one not by choice). Yes.. I have that same mark on arm.

bubonic plague is so named due to the Bubos it causes in the host. I learned about Bubos (Essentially large lumps from swollen lymph nodes) when our little Chihuahua had a tooth infection that caused her face to swell up and a Bubo on her neck to swell up!

They had to lance the Bubo to drain it... and somehow... when they released her back to me... either they didn't notice it... or perhaps she possible had scratched at the area with a hind paw? and that the area of the Bubo... had opened up on the inner side of it and she had a hole about the size of the diameter of a pencil thru the flesh on her damn neck! So I hurried up and called em back with sort of a WTH type of call hurried up and brought her back so they could suture it up.

Not sure off the top of my head, but I seem to recall the word "Bubo" originates from some other country.

P.S. I think I recall hearing that the vaccination scars ended in like '71 or '72
Never heard of them Bubos. Thanks for the info Dog.
Dude... you should totally Google for images of them so you can recognize it if you see it on somebody.

This was little Manchita when it appeared from the tooth causing an infection, and then the suture afterward...